Tag Archives | Constitution

Election Epigrams for Democracy’s Big Day

  America is now an Attention Deficit Democracy where citizens’ ignorance and apathy allow politicians to do they please. The worst violation of voting rights occurs when election winners trample the law and the Constitution. Trumpeting the importance of voting deludes people into thinking that they have a leash on the government. Ballot Buffoonery: Modern […]

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Elections as Execution Day for Rights & Liberties

  President Obama and a heap of other politicians are imploring us to view voting as the ultimate expression of our freedom and self-government. The reality is that the vast majority of politicians will do as they damn well please after Election Day. Edward Snowden’s revelations should have been a battering ram to use against […]

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Wash. Times: Obama Fighting Extremism with Extremism

  Washington Times, October 14, 2014 Obama Fighting extremism with extremism By James Bovard Obama points to war on terrorism to justify oppressive practices at home and abroad In his speech last month to the United Nations, President Obama summoned foreign leaders to join his “campaign against extremism.” While his clarion call was spurred by beheadings […]

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Celebrating Constitution Day in the Age of Obama

This is Constitution Day; the official White House photo for the occasion is on the left.  Obama issued a proclamation for the occasion that is knee-deep with his usual Statist hokum. Obama declared: “Our Constitution…  secures the privileges we enjoy as citizens, but also demands participation, responsibility, and service to our country and to one another.” But […]

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