Tag Archives | Democracy

USA TODAY: End Democracy Promotion Balderdash

USA Today, August 10, 2017 Hey, guess what? Donald Trump has a good foreign policy idea by James Bovard Let’s get our own house in order before we start imposing democracy on others. The Trump administration’s foreign policy often resembles a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party or a loose cannon on a ship deck. But every […]

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FFF: How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 3

Future of Freedom Foundation How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 3 by James Bovard June 30, 2017 Barack Obama took office in 2009 amidst the worst recession since the early 1980s. He had more faith in government spending than any White House occupant since Franklin Roosevelt. He speedily pushed through a stimulus bill through Congress […]

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Raising Hell with Ernie Hancock on Liberty Radio Network

FreedomsPhoenix mastermind Ernie Hancock and I had a rollicking time reviewing Trump’s record this morn.  It is always fun to go on Ernie’s show on Liberty Radio Network – especially when my moderate tendencies need scourging.  Ernie and I agreed on the outrageous missile strike on Syria (I said the U.S. government was acting like […]

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assange free assange photo from sputnik article

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange Deserves Medal of Freedom, Not Indictment

Journalist Martin Sieff asked my two cents on reports that the Trump administration may indict Julian Assange. Here’s my thoughts from his article this morning: Libertarian author and historian James Bovard told Sputnik that Assange should be praised, not prosecuted, for the services WikiLeaks has provided. “Instead of a criminal indictment, Assange deserves a Presidential Medal of Freedom,” […]

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FFF: How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 1

Future of Freedom Foundation How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 1 by James Bovard The federal government is now feeding more than 100 million Americans. The vast increase in dependency fundamentally changes the relationship of Washington to the citizenry. The more Americans rely on handouts, the more difficult it becomes to roll back politicians’ power […]

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World War One Quote Jpegs from USA Today article

Here’s a few quote jpegs from my USA Today oped, “Woodrow Wilson Made Democracy Unsafe for the World” – I welcome suggestions on improving this and other quote jpegs. Thanks again to Canva.com for their software for laying out the type & background.  

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World War One poster Harry_R._Hopps,_Destroy_this_mad_brute_Enlist_-_U.S._Army,_03216u_edit

USA Today: Woodrow Wilson Made Democracy Unsafe for the World

USA Today, April 4, 2017. Woodrow Wilson made democracy unsafe for the world: James Bovard by James Bovard Let’s stop kidding ourselves. The U.S. role in World War I had disastrous consequences. This week is the 100th anniversary of President Woodrow Wilson’s speech to Congress seeking a declaration of war against Germany. Many people celebrate […]

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