Tag Archives | Democracy

Election Epigrams for Democracy’s Big Day

  America is now an Attention Deficit Democracy where citizens’ ignorance and apathy allow politicians to do they please. The worst violation of voting rights occurs when election winners trample the law and the Constitution. Trumpeting the importance of voting deludes people into thinking that they have a leash on the government. Ballot Buffoonery: Modern […]

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Elections as Execution Day for Rights & Liberties

  President Obama and a heap of other politicians are imploring us to view voting as the ultimate expression of our freedom and self-government. The reality is that the vast majority of politicians will do as they damn well please after Election Day. Edward Snowden’s revelations should have been a battering ram to use against […]

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Wall St. Journal: Sheridan’s 1864 Torching of the Shenandoah Valley

WALL STREET JOURNAL, July 26, 2014 Violence, Chaos and the Expansion of Government Power in 1864 Gen. Grant’s order to turn the Shenandoah Valley into a ‘desert’ signaled an unsettling new chapter in the Civil War. By James Bovard During the second weekend of July, Washington, D.C., celebrated the repulse of  Confederate Gen. Jubal Early’s […]

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New Review of Attention Deficit Democracy

Joe’s Book Blog reviewed Attention Deficit Democracy earlier this week.  I much appreciate the reviewer’s thoughtful analysis and kind words. * If folks see reviews of Attention Deficit Democracy or my other books, please shoot me a line or post a comment here or elsewhere on the blog.  Thanks! Book Review: Attention Deficit Democracy by […]

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Wash. Times: Americans’ Fading Love of Freedom

Washington Times   July 21, 2014 Sweet land of growing indifference An angry passion for freedom begins to fade by James Bovard Tea Party protesters and some Republicans are portraying the federal government as a vast engine of oppression. Are anti-Obama activists mistaken in presuming that most Americans still care about freedom, though? A Gallup poll […]

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USA Today: An FDA War on Cheap Cigars?

  USA Today     June 22, 2014 Cigar smokers, watch out: Column by James Bovard Does FDA really believe that only those who can afford ‘premiums’ should be exempt? During Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, Vice President Thomas Marshall declared, “What this country needs is a good 5 cent cigar.” The Obama administration is striving to update that […]

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My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s Democracy Flim-Flam

WASHINGTON TIMES   June 20, 2014 How Obama whoops up democracy The president blunders by thinking voting alone will keep people safe by James Bovard As his foreign policy becomes more bollixed by the week, President Obama is taking refuge by whooping up democracy. In Warsaw, Poland, earlier this month, Mr. Obama proclaimed, “Wherever people are […]

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