Tag Archives | EPA


A Hazardous Waste (1989)

A Hazardous Waste What else can you call environmental regulations that prevent recycling, discourage cleanups, and stifle improvements in waste treatment? James Bovard | From the November 1989 issue of Reason magazine Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on RedditShare by emailPrint friendly versionCopy page URL Recently, a Chemlawn truck was hit from behind by another […]

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More Wetlands Purgatory for American Landowners

American Institute for Economic Research, September 3, 2021 More Wetlands Purgatory for American Landowners James Bovard How many drops of water does it take to justify federal bureaucrats commandeering your own land? Unfortunately, a federal judge changed the answer on Monday – the latest flip-flop in a saga stretching back more than 30 years and […]

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A Bushel of Laughs on the Ernie Hancock Radio Show

My old friend Ernie Hancock and I had a rowdy time this morn on his Freedoms Phoenix Radio Show. Ernie kindly asked for a summary of Public Policy Hooligan and I specified that most of the book does not involve people trying to stab me. Ernie asked about the scandal in my old hometown, Front […]

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FFF: My Blowup at the Enviro Checkpoint

The Future of Freedom, November 2016 MY BLOWUP AT THE ENVIRO CHECKPOINT by James Bovard As I sat in a seemingly endless line of cars at the Maryland vehicle-emissions check-point, the engine in my 1999 Ford suddenly growled, shuddered, and conked out cold. Maybe it was karma for my decades of scoffing at harebrained government […]

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FFF: Bipartisan Battering of Freedom in Congress

Future of Freedom Foundation Bipartisan Battering of Freedom by James Bovard For more than 40 years, Republicans have been promising to cut federal spending. In the same period, federal outlays have inched up by a few trillion dollars. But the Grand Old Party continues singing the same song — though voters may finally be losing […]

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