Tag Archives | Epigrams


25 Years of Voting Epigrams

Here’s a round-up of my epigrams on voting from my books and articles since 1993: *Politicians are dividing America into two classes – those who work for a living and those who vote for a living *Nowadays, we have elections in lieu of freedom. *What government abuses and crimes can we expect to cease as […]

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Video of My Top 20 Quotes (According to QuoteFancy)

Quotefancy kindly compiled 20 of my quotes into a video. A friend said the soundtrack reminded her of 1950s “easy listening” music for Wyoming. I suggested that Telemann’s Tafelmusik might have worked better – but not as apt as Alice Cooper’s “Elected.” What other suggestions do folks have for music on this? Twitter’s “Right SideOf […]

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How Dependency Destroys Democracy – Mises Institute

From the new issue of the Mises Institute  The Austrian newsletter Jan. 2016- How Government Buys Your Support by James Bovard In Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. military officers routinely handed bundles of cash to local residents to buy influence and undermine resistance to the American occupation. Such payments came in especially handy after US troops […]

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Democratic Debate Hoots & Huckstering

Tonight’s Democratic candidate debate was everything a cynic could have wished for.  Government retained its power to perform miracles, though no one explicitly promised that it could raise the dead. It is amazing to see how far & easily both Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley ran from their records in office.  Following are some of […]

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My Carping on Obama’s State of Union 2016 Speech

Obama warns of people who "use the Internet to poison the minds of individuals" – -Heck, but I enjoy sending out tweets! — James Bovard (@JimBovard) January 13, 2016 Obama says a prez with "gifts of Lincoln… might have better bridged the divide" between Americans. So burning down Atlanta would help? — James Bovard (@JimBovard) […]

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Washingtonian Tags my WSJ Silent Shakespeare Piece as “Defining” D.C. in 2015

Along with Donald Trump, Gov. Chris Christie,  the Washington Redskins (with a name that liberals now hate),  and reviled pro-Confederate flag protestors, Washingtonian magazine credits me with one of the “17 Moments of Local Outrage That Defined 2015.” Here’s an outtake from the Washingtonian article: July 14: Wall Street Journal vs. Wordless Shakespeare Synetic Theater wins bushels of awards […]

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USA TODAY: Budget Bill Leaves No Boondoggle Behind

USA TODAY, December 17, 2015 BUDGET BILL LEAVES NO BOONDOGGLE BEHIND by James Bovard Republican congressional leaders are like a football coach who believes the secret to winning is to punt early and often. House Speaker Paul Ryan and others are claiming victory over the 2,000-plus page appropriations bill, but this is a “no boondoggle left […]

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