Tag Archives | Facebook


Census Bureau and Facebook Partnering to Censor the Internet

American Conservative, March 3, 2020 The Census and Facebook: Working Hand-in-Glove to Censor the Internet by James Bovard The same agency that once helped the Army round up Japanese Americans has now achieved protected status on social media.   America’s social media giants are rallying behind the 2020 Census. Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg recently assured […]

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USA Today: Celebrate Independence Day by Cussing a Politician

Some USA Today readers apparently assumed that I was “Antifa in drag”…. USA Today, July 3, 2019 Fourth of July should celebrate liberty, not politicians like Trump by James Bovard President Donald Trump’s plan to give an Independence Day televised address from the Lincoln Memorial has outraged many pundits and plenty of normal Americans, too. There […]

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MP3 of my Pacifica Radio interview on Facebook Conniving

Kevin Pina of Pacifica Radio Network interviewed me last Thursday on my USA Today oped on Facebook censorship policies.  Facebook has become far more aggressive recently in heaving people off its platform.  But the impact of Facebook’s banishments are dwarfed by the stampede to the exit by other Facebook users.     We had lots of fun […]

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Why Government Immunity Must Be Spiked

The American Conservative The Government: Liability for Thee But Not for Me Why are those who work for the state never held accountable for the damage they inflict? By James Bovard • July 26, 2018 Few Americans recognize the Yukon-sized legal rights void in their daily lives. I was recently reminded of this hard fact […]

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My Nazi Tendencies Exposed

Someone kindly posted my TSA cigar cutter story in a Facebook group for cigar fans. One guy responded, scoffing that I was as a “self-interest hack.” I pointed out that he should have written “self-interested hack.” So he denounced me as a “grammar nazi.” I kindly noted that “Nazi” should be capitalized. He retorted that that […]

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The Hill: Facebook Farce Shows Congressional Deviousness & Demagoguery

The Hill, November 4, 2017   Facebook farce shows lawmaker deviousness, demagoguery by James Bovard  The 2016 election was the first time in history that goofy advertisements were considered an act of war. The frenzy on Capitol Hill over a smattering of Russian advertisements would be comical except that most of the American media has […]

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