Tag Archives | FOIA

obama image from usa today jpb piece 1 07 2017

USA TODAY: Trump Must Expose Obama-Era Power Grabs

USA TODAY: Trump must expose Obama-era power grabs: Column By James Bovard, January 6, 2017 Opening the books on the outgoing administration would be a booster shot for democracy. President-elect Donald Trump will face pervasive doubts about his legitimacy from the day he takes office. His opponents will likely portray him as governing in unprecedented […]

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Photoshop #2 jpb walking Snapshot 3 (3-14-2016 10-49 PM)

TSA Videos FOIA Response – Portland Thanksgiving Poking

Here’s some video and photographic material to accompany today’s USA Today article on my TSA encounter in Portland on Thanksgiving morning. The films were provided in response to my Freedom of Information Act request in December.  The response included a bevy of internal TSA emails.  I was surprised that the TSA Office of Chief Counsel […]

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