Twenty-one years ago today, the FBI assaulted and demolished the Branch Davidians’ home outside of Waco, Texas. That assault and the subsequent coverups helped redefine the relation of the federal government to the American people. Millions of citizens never looked at Washington the same afterwards. I reposted some of the articles I did in […]
Tag Archives | Guns
The Continuing Coverup of Police Killings Nationwide
Counterpunch, December 12, 2013 Protecting Killer Cops Where’s the Body Count from Shootings by the Police? by JAMES BOVARD President Barack Obama, calling for new gun control legislation earlier this year, appealed to “all the Americans who are counting on us to keep them safe from harm.” He also declared, “If there is even one […]
Where is the Body Count from Police Shootings?
Posted online today by the Future of Freedom Foundation – from the August 2013 issue of the Future of Freedom – Where’s the Body Count from Shootings by the Police? by James Bovard Barack Obama has made curtailing Americans’ right to own firearms one of his highest priorities. Earlier this year, he appealed to “all […]
Obama’s Latest Democracy Sham Anti-Gun Charade
From the July edition of FFF‘s Future of Freedom – Obama’s Latest Democracy Sham by James Bovard In his campaign earlier this year to subvert the Second Amendment, Barack Obama unveiled one of the oldest tricks in the demagogue playbook. Speaking in Colorado, he scoffed at Americans who say, “I need a gun to protect […]
New Yorker Cartoon: 911 is Busy, so Stand Your Ground
Progress! Even New Yorker cartoonists now understand the imperative of people not relying on police to save their necks…. (Okay, maybe that is not the interpretation the magazine hoped for, but…) A dozen years ago, I wrote a forward for a book entitled Dial 911 and Die, by Richard Stevens and Aaron Zelman. Here’s […]
Chief Justice Hooligan Bovard? On Brian Wilson’s Libertas Radio
Renowned libertarian talk show Brian Wilson and I had a rowdy chat today. It was a high-toned interview: no double entendres or “Raging Bitch” references. Here’s Brian’s summary of the show – “Clear your schedule for about an hour to hear what author James Bovard has to say about the Boston bombing, journalism, gun control, and […]
Wash. Times: The ‘You Are the Government’ Canard
Washington Times, April 15, 2013 BOVARD: The ‘you are the government’ canard Obama joins predecessors in blaming his overreach on us by James Bovard In his continuing campaign to subvert the Second Amendment, President Obama recently unveiled one of the oldest tricks in the demagogue playbook. Speaking in Colorado, he declared that since America is […]