Tag Archives | intellectuals


Leviathan Logic versus Individual Liberty

Leviathan Logic versus Individual Liberty by James Bovard, March 24, 2025 The failure to think clearly about government is one of the greatest sources of tyranny. The history of liberties lost is the history of patterns of abuses ignored and inductions not made. People talk about the importance of ideas in politics. Often, it is […]

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Ralph Raico, R.I.P. – Scholar & Champion of Freedom

Ralph Raico, the great libertarian scholar, passed away recently at the age of 80. Thanks to the Foundation for Economic Education, he met the legendary Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises while he was still in high school in New York. He attended Mises’ seminars and later studied under Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek at the University of […]

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Mises Inst.: The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train

The Mises Institute’s “The Austrian” Newsletter The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train by James Bovard Intellectuals have long been glorified as champions of truth and defenders of society’s highest values. But in Washington, they serve as Leviathan‘s Praetorian Guard. Intellectuals are thriving in DC thanks in large part to the ruinous policy advice they proffer. The […]

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FFF: ObamaCare Racketeering & Intellectual Knavery

From the Future of Freedom Foundation’s February 2015 magazine – ObamaCare Racketeering and Intellectual Knavery by James Bovard Paternalism is a desperate gamble that lying politicians will honestly care for those who fall under their power. This axiom has been made stark with the controversy arising from a video of Jonathan Gruber, one of the […]

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Mises Institute: The Illusion of Reform

  Mises Institute “The Austrian” Newsletter, Issue #1, 2015 The Absurdity of “Reform” in DC by James Bovard In the 1930s, peasants who were starving because of the Soviet regime’s brutal farm collectivization policy lamented, “If only Stalin knew!” Nowadays, American social scientists look at floundering federal programs and lament: “If only Congress knew!” And […]

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Wash. Times: Gruber, ObamaCare, and Lying Intellectuals

Washington Times, November 21, 2014 Gruber and the Shenanigans of Leviathan By James Bovard The closer intellectuals get to power, the more they deceive Democratic politicians and the liberal media are scrambling to curtail the damage from Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber’s proclamations on stupid voters and deceitful legislative tactics. A New York Times editorial dismissed […]

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9/11 Commission: 10th Anniversary of a Bootlicking National Disgrace

Ten years ago, the 9/11 Commission released its report on the challenges to the nation. Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton, the chairman and vice chairman of the commission, have a platitude-laden piece this morning in USA Today: “The “generational challenge” against terrorism we anticipated 10 years ago has entered a new and dangerous phase. America cannot […]

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