Tag Archives | Iraq


More Bush-Inspired Epigrams for his Library Day

In honor of Bush’s library dedication today, here are some more epigrams he inspired from Terrorism & Tyranny (Palgrave, 2003) Killing foreigners is no substitute for protecting Americans. Habeas corpus is an insurance policy to prevent governments from going berserk. Perpetual war inevitably begets perpetual repression. It is impossible to destroy all alleged enemies of […]

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My Time in the Tower of London 2006

Musing how Bush’s war on terror and invasion of Iraq ten years ago changed the world… Here’s one of my old fav pieces first published in 2006 by the Future of Freedom Foundation, supplemented with a few photos I took. When I visited the Tower of London, I was mesmerized by Traitor’s Gate. I wondered […]

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Bush’s Forgotten Fabrications on Iraq War

On this tenth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, here are a couple pieces I wrote shortly before and after Bush attacked Iraq. I had thought that Bush’s rascalities would evoke a much stronger backlash than actually occurred. The mainstream media was occasionally willing to print pieces opposing the war or calling out […]

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Persian Gulf Folly Redux (1987)

Following is a piece I wrote in 1987 on the Reagan administration’s idiotic intervention in the Persian Gulf. Versions of this piece appeared in USA Today and the Detroit News. JUST ANOTHER AMERICAN SITTING DUCK by James Bovard Sentimentality now appears to be the soul of Reagan’s foreign policy. From charging into the Persian Gulf […]

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About That Happy Ending in Iraq….

  The fairy tale narrative from much of the mainstream media over Obama’s Iraq announcement last week is ludicrous even by DC standards. The best retort to the prevailing hoopla is this great cartoon from the Washington Post’s Tom Toles James Bovard

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Our Know-Nothing Foreign Policy

From January 2011, my American Conservative review of Derek Leebaert’s Magic and Mayhem. Worst and Brightest Review of Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy From Korea to Afghanistan, Derek Leebaert, Simon & Schuster, 336 pages By James Bovard In the decades since John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, foreign-policy experts have become Washington’s leading […]

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Why the Tea Party Should Despise George W. Bush

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today this article from the September issue of Freedom Daily – (also on Counterpunch) Why the Tea Party Should Despise George W. Bush by James Bovard The Tea Party movement is challenging politicians and political establishments in many parts of this country. Many Tea Party supporters define themselves […]

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