Tag Archives | Justice Department

Wash. Times: Obama’s Freedom & Fear Farce

Washington Times, December 10, 2015 Talking freedom but practicing fear by James Bovard The president employs scare tactics to diminish liberties The most memorable line in President Obama’s Oval Office Sunday speech was his declaration that “freedom is more powerful than fear.” That epigram might have made John F. Kennedy’s speechwriters beam. But it is […]

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USA TODAY: End Federal Agents’ License to Kill

USA TODAY End Federal Agents License to Kill by James Bovard Do federal agents need a license to kill in order to protect us?  Unfortunately, federal judges are giving law enforcement agents blanket immunity when they shoot Americans while the agents are on the job. It would be difficult to imagine a greater violation of […]

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Playboy: The Prison Industrial Complex

Vox has a great chart today on the soaring rate of prison incarceration in recent decades.  This is one of the most striking renditions I have seen of this particular seachange in the relationship of government to the American people.  Hillary Clinton bemoans high incarceration rates but the Clinton administration plowed almost $8 billion into […]

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Attention Deficit Democracy Cured?

  Maybe the Justice Department can cure this Attention Deficit Democracy problem by proposing an amendment to the Voting Rights Act to protect the calendar-impaired voters.   Maybe the feds could require states to count the votes of those who are clueless about when Election Day occurs? Actually, some states might already be moving in that […]

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FFF: Eric Holder’s Leviathan-Loving Legacy

from the Future of Freedom Foundation – Eric Holder’s Leviathan-Loving Legacy by James Bovard Last summer, Attorney General Eric Holder solemnly declared, “The name ought to be changed. It’s an offensive name.” Holder observed that despite the organization’s “storied history,” it could “increase their fan base” by changing their name — “if they did something […]

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USA TODAY: How Disabilities Law Went Nuts

USA TODAY, July 27, 2015 How disability law went nuts by James Bovard And it has actually been a disaster at helping the disabled find work. Good intentions are no excuse for perpetual legal chaos. The Americans with Disabilities Act promised a bright new era of equality and freedom. Instead, it has spawned endless lawsuits […]

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My 2003 Oped on Patriot Act Lies – Baltimore Sun

Senators are brawling over the renewal of the Patriot Act. Few folks recognize how the feds have been brazenly lying about the Patriot Act ever since it was enacted. Here’s an oped I did a dozen years ago pointing out a few of the Justice Department’s frauds. Baltimore Sun, August 18, 2003 America fights for […]

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