Tag Archives | leviathan


More Bush-Inspired Epigrams for his Library Day

In honor of Bush’s library dedication today, here are some more epigrams he inspired from Terrorism & Tyranny (Palgrave, 2003) Killing foreigners is no substitute for protecting Americans. Habeas corpus is an insurance policy to prevent governments from going berserk. Perpetual war inevitably begets perpetual repression. It is impossible to destroy all alleged enemies of […]

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MP3 The Great Boston Crackdown – Scott Horton Show

Talk show host Scott Horton and I had a rowdy 25 minute chat yesterday on the Boston bombings and the subsequent “house arrest” order for a million people in the Boston area. Scott refused to give a blanket endorsement to the response by the Homeland Security apparatchiks. I talking about how my reaction to the […]

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Boston: Death Sentence for Looking out Window?

Police were continually screaming “don’t look out the window!” during their sweep in Watertown last week. This photo shows what happens to folks who disobeyed that order. And here is a stunning video of how the raids were carried out. Maximum feasible intimidation… So our security now depends on permitting police to threaten to kill […]

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Waco 20 Years Ago: Hooligan Chapter on “Flummoxing the FBI”

  Twenty years ago today, the FBI assaulted and demolished the Branch Davidians’ home outside of Waco, Texas.  That assault and the subsequent coverups helped redefine the relation of the federal government to the American people. I wrote about the attack in several books and in articles for the Wall Street Journal, Playboy, Washington Times, […]

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Wash. Times: The ‘You Are the Government’ Canard

 Washington Times, April 15, 2013 BOVARD: The ‘you are the government’ canard Obama joins predecessors in blaming his overreach on us by James Bovard In his continuing campaign to subvert the Second Amendment, President Obama recently unveiled one of the oldest tricks in the demagogue playbook. Speaking in Colorado, he declared that since America is […]

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Don’t Scapegoat Freedom for Leviathan’s Failures

Listening to the media touting Obama around the clock reminded me of a piece I wrote for Sheldon Richman, editor of the Freeman, five years ago. Unfortunately, the media and intellectuals are playing the same bunkum games now that they did under the previous president. Here are some one-liners plucked from the following article: * […]

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