Tag Archives | Lying

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FFF: ObamaCare Racketeering & Intellectual Knavery

From the Future of Freedom Foundation’s February 2015 magazine – ObamaCare Racketeering and Intellectual Knavery by James Bovard Paternalism is a desperate gamble that lying politicians will honestly care for those who fall under their power. This axiom has been made stark with the controversy arising from a video of Jonathan Gruber, one of the […]

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Hillary Clinton the Most Corrupt Secretary of State?

Press TV called early this morning seeking comments on an article about Hillary Clinton’s promise to “topple” the top 1%. That topic was too good to resist; here’s the link to their page and file of my monologue, and here are some outtakes: *Hillary Clinton is perhaps the most corrupt Secretary of State in American history. […]

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MP3 of Scott Horton Waco Anniversary Interview

The main lesson that Washington policymakers drew from the Waco debacle is : Truth delayed is truth defused. Scott Horton and I discussed the anniversary of the final federal assault at Waco on his talk show last Friday. Scott has done annual Waco show ever since he went on the air in 1999. Here’s a […]

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USA Today: My Devil’s Dictionary

USA TODAY    April 13, 2015 Tax-time devil’s dictionary of DC lingo by James Bovard Having trouble with the ‘Washingtonese’ around April 15? Look no further for a translation. April 15 is the day each year when Americans are most likely to slander Washington. Unfortunately, the city’s nebulous nomenclature deters citizens from recognizing exactly how well […]

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Wash. Times: The Mandatory Voting Panacea

Washington Times, April 2, 2015 The mandatory voting panacea Obama would deploy coercion in the voting booth By James Bovard – – Wednesday, April 1, 2015 President Obama recently suggested that mandatory voting could cure some of the ills of American democracy. Mr. Obama observed that compelling everyone to vote is one way to “encourage […]

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D.C. Template for Spinning Govt. Debacles

Anyone who has relied on the DC subway station in recent years knows that they have become notorious for fires, delays, and lies. This great cartoon from Tom Toles captures the ritual response of government agencies to their debacles – spending more money on public relations campaigns. Local governments may have totally failed to provide […]

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Bush Betrayal Epigrams JPEG

Here’s a first take on a JPEG quote page for Bush Betrayal.  This is a work-in-progress, so I welcome suggestions. Other epigrams from that 2004 book are listed below the photo.  Not sure which lines are best to highlight… **UPDATE: I added just below another version of the same quotes  – this one kindly crafted […]

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