Tag Archives | Lying

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Supreme Court Helps Obama Trample Press Freedom

The Supreme Court announced today that it refused to hear a federal court case involving the Obama administration’s targeting of New York Times reporter James Risen.  Risen has been in the federal cross-hairs since January 2008 because of details in his 2006 book, A State of War, about a botched CIA effort to subvert Iran’s […]

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White House Press Secretary Fired for Lying?

My headline is a joke – as anyone who peruses this blog would recognize.  Misleading the American people is the most important part of the White House press secretary’s job description. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney resigned today.  Has  anyone keep track of the number of 3-star and 4-star howlers he told defending Obama? I exploited […]

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My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s Cynicism Racketeering

Washington Times, May 19, 2014 Obama’s indiscriminate charges of cynicism Americans have good reason to doubt the president’s good intentions by James Bovard As his poll ratings sink, President Obama is ratcheting up his denunciations of cynicism. However, Mr. Obama’s crusade to rid the nation of cynicism is going badly. A presidency built on restoring […]

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Wash. Times: “Truth Will Prevail” – a Costly Govt. Fairy Tale

Washington Times, April 25, 2014 BOVARD: ‘Truth will prevail’ — a costly government fairy tale by James Bovard The Supreme Court heard lawyers wrangle Tuesday over an Ohio law that criminalizes false statements about political candidates. The justices were skeptical if not scornful of the efforts by Ohio and 14 other states to create “ministries […]

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Syria: Common Sense versus Obama’s Next War

From the January 2014 issue of The Future of Freedom (from the Future of Freedom Foundation) Syria: Common Sense versus Obama’s Next War by James Bovard The Obama administration tottered on the edge of launching a cruise missile attack on Syria this past August and September. Obama hesitated and decided to seek congressional approval before […]

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20 Years Ago: The Growing IRS Dictatorship (Wall Street Journal)

The IRS did not start its mischief recently.  Here’s a piece of mine published on April 14, 1994 – Wall Street Journal  -The Growing IRS Dictatorship By James Bovard A Gallup Poll released last week found that two-thirds of Americans believe that the Internal Revenue Service abuses its power. Yet few people realize exactly how […]

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MP3 – Having Fun Trashing ObamaCare as a “Pack of Lies”

I got a phone call early this morning from Press TV seeking comments on ObamaCare. OK, some people don’t consider 8 a.m. early but my IQ is 15 points higher later in the morning – sometimes breaking into triple digits.   What the heck   – I enjoyed the chance to start the day by thrashing Obama’s biggest fraud […]

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