Tag Archives | podcast


My Tribute to H.L. Mencken – Mises Podcast

Mises Institute President Jeff Deist and I had a rollicking discussion yesterday on H.L. Mencken.  Here’s the summary from the Mises website: “HL Mencken is the writer you need to read immediately. He was savagely brilliant, caustic, and witty, but also prolific across genres in ways almost unthinkable of journalists today. His skill with the […]

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Video – The Twenty Year Post-9/11 War on Liberty

Here’s my spiel on the “Twenty Year Post-9/11 War on Liberty” from last night’s The Future of Freedom Foundation broadcast. If you like seeing federal agencies get thrashed, you might enjoy this show. TSA, FBI, NSA, DHS – they all caught hell.  The video wraps up with excellent questions from the audience & plenty of […]

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Covid, Deep State, and January 6 on Mises Caucus Podcast MP3

Aaron Harris and I had a zesty 76 minute exchange on Covid developments, Deep State machinations, January 6 Capitol Clash updates, the perils that federal informants pose for libertarians, and other topics on the Mises Caucus Decentralized Revolution podcast (episode #60) Here is the Spotify link to the discussion: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1UvxXhfoto6Hw7il2ohjWX Here is the link to […]

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NSA Spying Mania and the Deep State Podcast

J.G. Michael and I had a zesty conversation on NSA, illegal spying, Tucker Carlson, and the Deep State on Wednesday.  Here is his summary of our exchange and the 39 minute audio file of his Parallax Views show: On this edition of Parallax Views, controversial Fox News personality Tucker Carlson caused an uproar recently when […]

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Podcast: “Why I Write” on Just Add Liberty

Big thanks to Rachel Watson-Kennerly for having me on her new Just Add Liberty podcast. We had fun smacking politicians and talking about journalism. I enjoyed the chance to kick hell out of Washington ways and the lame “Go Team Go!” standard for Washington writing. (My comments on writers refers specifically to Washington writers.) “After […]

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“Drink Heavily and Buy More Ammo” – My 2020 Advice on FFF Podcast

My recommendation for getting through 2020: “Drink heavily and buy more ammo.” Had fun joining Jacob Hornberger & Richard Ebeling on the The Future of Freedom Foundation podcast, bantering about my “Why I Write” essay. I mentioned that the media tended to ignore any political scandals not involving panties or profiteering – so Trump has […]

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