Tag Archives | podcast


Podcast: My Train Trip to Communist Hell

Millennials like Communism?!? I was vaccinated against it when I traveled to Romania, dodging secret agent hookers, surly clerks, and gullible guards with machine guns.  I avoided arrest and whacked hell out of the regime in the New York Times after I returned. Two years later, an uprising ended with the execution of the country’s […]

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Podcast: Are We All Terrorist Suspects Now?

Here’s my first solo podcast, produced for the Future of Freedom Foundation.  Thanks to Bart Frazier for hammering out some of the kinks in the video file. The definitions of terrorist suspects have multiplied like rabbits since the 9/11 attacks 17 years ago today.   Here’s a 7 minute rundown of some bizarre standards the government […]

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Smacking Around FISA & the FBI on the Ron Paul Liberty Report

Daniel McAdams and I had fun today smacking around Congress and the FISA Court on the Ron Paul Liberty Report. The FISA Court routinely heaves buckets of judicial hogwash to cover the ravaging of our privacy. FBI has a long history of deceiving FISA judges & paying no price. The Founders never would have approved […]

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MP3 Thumping Obama’s Corruption Charade with Scott Horton

Talk show firebrand Scott Horton and I had a rowdy time thumping the hypocritical Obama-Kerry Charade against corruption – but only in foreign countries.  This podcast picks up where my USA Today oped left off. . While Secretary of State John Kerry whoops up the U.S. government devotion to anti-corruption, U.S. foreign aid continues bankrolling some of […]

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Podcast on TSA Portland Poking & Other Outrages

Adam Camac and Daniel Laguros kindly invited me onto their Wake Up Call podcast.  We had fun making it hot for the TSA. I told the story of my TSA Thanksgiving Portland Poking and we bantered about why federal security theater will always be a farce. The interview is 34 minutes long, posted here in […]

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