Tag Archives | Ruby Ridge

USA Today: Bundy-FBI Debacle Shows Feds Must be Leashed

USA Today, January 5, 2018 Cliven Bundy-FBI debacle: Another example of why the feds need to be leashed by James Bovard The FBI’s sordid history of withholding and destroying key evidence deserves a reckoning. The Justice Department was caught in another high-profile travesty last month that continues to reverberate through the western states. On Dec. 20, […]

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The Hill: Yes, The FBI is America’s Secret Police

The Hill,   December 11, 2017 YES, THE FBI IS AMERICA’S SECRET POLICE by James Bovard Politifact delivered a “pants on fire” slam to Fox News on Friday because one of its commentators asserted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation “has become America’s secret police.” The FBI has legions of new champions nowadays among liberals and […]

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I Should Be Hanged, Blown Up, or Banished: Reader Feedback

  Last week’s  articles in USA Today spurred lots of helpful suggestions from thoughtful readers.  Admittedly, not everyone liked the articles. Oughtsix, a commenter on a gun discussion board, was outraged by the “Ruby Ridge Lessons for Fighting Extremism” article’s subhead (““When the government tries to squash anti-American ideas it doesn’t like, the results are often destructive […]

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USA Today: Ruby Ridge Lessons for Fighting Right-Wing Extremism

USA TODAY Ruby Ridge lessons for fighting right-wing extremism by James Bovard, Opinion columnist Published 10:04 a.m. ET Aug. 28, 2017 When the government tries to squash anti-American ideas it doesn’t like, the results are often destructive of American ideals. In the wake of the protest in Charlottesville by white supremacists, many people are demanding […]

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FFF: Boy Scouts and the Love of Freedom

Future of Freedom Foundation, Boy Scouts and the Love of Freedom by James Bovard October 18, 2016 Some of my anarcho-libertarian tendencies arose thanks to the years I spent as a Boy Scout. Joining the Scouts was an easy decision, since my father was a Scoutmaster. Even without the family obligation, I might have signed […]

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USA TODAY: End Federal Agents’ License to Kill

USA TODAY End Federal Agents License to Kill by James Bovard Do federal agents need a license to kill in order to protect us?  Unfortunately, federal judges are giving law enforcement agents blanket immunity when they shoot Americans while the agents are on the job. It would be difficult to imagine a greater violation of […]

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My Playboy Greatest Hits

So Playboy is becoming proudly birthday-suit free.  Lots of jokes this week about how guys will now be able to honestly say “I only read it for the articles.” From 1994 through 2002, I wrote a bunch of pieces for Playboy on No-Knock Raids, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Janet Reno, IRS, Surveillance, Pork Barrel Prisons, the […]

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