Tag Archives | Rule of Law

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Wash. Times: TSA Bombs the Holidays

Washington Times, December 3, 2015 TSA screens holiday travelers once again, with feeling by James Bovard Flyers must surrender their privacy with their boarding passes If you use hand sanitizer when traveling, the Transportation Security Administration can badger you as if you were a terrorist suspect. TSA is one of the biggest hassles many Americans […]

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USA TODAY: End Federal Agents’ License to Kill

USA TODAY End Federal Agents License to Kill by James Bovard Do federal agents need a license to kill in order to protect us?  Unfortunately, federal judges are giving law enforcement agents blanket immunity when they shoot Americans while the agents are on the job. It would be difficult to imagine a greater violation of […]

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Assassin Nation Redux

Congratulations to Jeremy Scahill and The Intercept for “The Assassination Complex” – their great expose on Obama’s drone killing program.  They provide smoking guns from official sources to prove that the program has been slaughtering innocents for years. I have taken a few swings at this program over the years.  After I bashed drone killings in […]

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My Playboy Greatest Hits

So Playboy is becoming proudly birthday-suit free.  Lots of jokes this week about how guys will now be able to honestly say “I only read it for the articles.” From 1994 through 2002, I wrote a bunch of pieces for Playboy on No-Knock Raids, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Janet Reno, IRS, Surveillance, Pork Barrel Prisons, the […]

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FFF: Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the following article from the June issue of the Future of Freedom – The Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights by James Bovard The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the legality of the Affordable Care Act this past March. Several justices questioned whether a ruling […]

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bill of rights void

Barrons: Supreme Neglect of Liberty at Highest Court

  BARRON’S, September 21, 2015 Supreme Neglect of Liberty at the High Court By James Bovard Author James Bovard writes how America’s highest court has turned a blind eye to fundamental rights. In its recent landmark decision on gay marriage, five Supreme Court justices proclaimed that “the Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach…to […]

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