The Rolling Stone story on the alleged University of Va. gang rape is invaluable for revealing the current standard of respectable thinking. The Washington Post posted an article by a female lawyer on Sunday with a headline proclaiming that “we should automatically believe rape claims.” I assume that the writer would not also say that accusations of malpractice […]
Tag Archives | Rule of Law
FFF: America’s Cluster Bomb Congress
The Future of Freedom Foundation placed online today my article from the August 2014 issue of the Future of Freedom – America’s Cluster Bomb Congress by James Bovard Tens of thousands of Americans have been bushwhacked by a single arcane sentence in a 673-page law Congress enacted six years ago. The IRS is seizing both […]
Wash. Times: Obama Fighting Extremism with Extremism
Washington Times, October 14, 2014 Obama Fighting extremism with extremism By James Bovard Obama points to war on terrorism to justify oppressive practices at home and abroad In his speech last month to the United Nations, President Obama summoned foreign leaders to join his “campaign against extremism.” While his clarion call was spurred by beheadings […]
Celebrating Constitution Day in the Age of Obama
This is Constitution Day; the official White House photo for the occasion is on the left. Obama issued a proclamation for the occasion that is knee-deep with his usual Statist hokum. Obama declared: “Our Constitution… secures the privileges we enjoy as citizens, but also demands participation, responsibility, and service to our country and to one another.” But […]
Wash. Times: Eric Holder’s Police Shooting Hypocrisy
Washington Times, August 27, 2014 Eric Holder’s Police Shooting Hypocrisy by James Bovard There are no Ferguson-style probes when black police shoot blacks Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is enjoying a tidal wave of laudatory press coverage for his activism on the Ferguson, Mo., shooting and subsequent protests. In the 1990s, though, Mr. […]

Wash. Times: Americans’ Fading Love of Freedom
Washington Times July 21, 2014 Sweet land of growing indifference An angry passion for freedom begins to fade by James Bovard Tea Party protesters and some Republicans are portraying the federal government as a vast engine of oppression. Are anti-Obama activists mistaken in presuming that most Americans still care about freedom, though? A Gallup poll […]

USA Today: An FDA War on Cheap Cigars?
USA Today June 22, 2014 Cigar smokers, watch out: Column by James Bovard Does FDA really believe that only those who can afford ‘premiums’ should be exempt? During Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, Vice President Thomas Marshall declared, “What this country needs is a good 5 cent cigar.” The Obama administration is striving to update that […]