Tag Archives | Taxes


Bashing the IRS on Grover Norquist’s Leave Us Alone Podcast

Grover Norquist, chief of Americans for Tax Reform, and I had fun hammering the IRS’s long history of political bias and revenue racketeering. I’m not expecting the IRS to turn over a new leaf thanks to Biden’s army of new IRS agents.  [@#$@# new software for my Logitech camcom didn’t mesh with ATR’s broadcast software.  […]

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USA TODAY: Budget Bill Leaves No Boondoggle Behind

USA TODAY, December 17, 2015 BUDGET BILL LEAVES NO BOONDOGGLE BEHIND by James Bovard Republican congressional leaders are like a football coach who believes the secret to winning is to punt early and often. House Speaker Paul Ryan and others are claiming victory over the 2,000-plus page appropriations bill, but this is a “no boondoggle left […]

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USA TODAY: The Freedom Foyer Fraud on Our Liberty

USA TODAY, October 28, 2015 Freedom gets a foyer; Liberty gets the shaft by James Bovard The budget agreement between President Obama and leaders of the House of Representatives is sparking a conservative firestorm across the land.  Newt Gingrich predicts every Republican presidential candidate in tonight’s debate will oppose the deal — which a New York […]

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My Playboy Greatest Hits

So Playboy is becoming proudly birthday-suit free.  Lots of jokes this week about how guys will now be able to honestly say “I only read it for the articles.” From 1994 through 2002, I wrote a bunch of pieces for Playboy on No-Knock Raids, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Janet Reno, IRS, Surveillance, Pork Barrel Prisons, the […]

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USA Today: My Devil’s Dictionary

USA TODAY    April 13, 2015 Tax-time devil’s dictionary of DC lingo by James Bovard Having trouble with the ‘Washingtonese’ around April 15? Look no further for a translation. April 15 is the day each year when Americans are most likely to slander Washington. Unfortunately, the city’s nebulous nomenclature deters citizens from recognizing exactly how well […]

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USA Today: Scott Walker’s Stadium Socialism

USA TODAY,  April 10, 2015 Scott Walker’s stadium socialism by James Bovard Tough on unions, but professional sports teams and ethanol producers? Not so much. Governor Scott Walker has soared to the front of Republican presidential candidates thanks largely to his reputation for fighting wasteful government spending in Wisconsin. Republican faithful across the nation envision […]

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Lost Rights Epigrams JPEG

I am still experimenting with layouts for quotes – I welcome any suggestions. The Founding Fathers looked at the liberties they were losing, while modern Americans focus myopically on the freedoms they still retain. Is the fiction of majority rule more valuable than the reality of individual choice? The criminal justice system is increasingly like a socialist […]

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