Scott Horton of the Libertarian Institute and I had a rowdy 35 minute exchange on my article on James Comey’s forgotten linchpin role in the Bush administration torture scandal. After the photos from Abu Ghraib prison shocked Americans, Deputy Attorney General Comey rescued the Bush Torture Regime with shameless legal hair-splitting. Comey was sainted by […]
Tag Archives | Torture
James Comey and the Bush Torture Scandal
Future of Freedom Foundation James Comey and the Unending Bush Torture Scandal by James Bovard The vast regime of torture created by the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks continues to haunt America. The political class and most of the media have never dealt honestly with the profound constitutional corruption that such practices inflicted. Instead, […]
Supreme Court: The Dog That Didn’t Bark
Mises Institute, September 26, 2018 The Supreme Court: The Dog that Didn’t Bark by James Bovard The furor over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is spurring many commentators to bewail that the Supreme Court has become too powerful. But the real problem is that the Court is now often little more than a fig leaf […]
Seymour Hersh and the Decline of Knockdown Journalism
The American Conservative Seymour Hersh and the Disappearing Iconoclast He won a Pulitzer for My Lai and cracked Abu Ghraib wide open. But this reporter is still a lonely breed. By James Bovard • August 17, 2018 Journalist Seymour Hersh in 2009. Credit: Institute for Policy Studies/Flickr Seymour Hersh, Reporter: A Memoir, Sy Hersh. Knopf, June […]
The Hill: Another State of Democracy Report Ignores Cause of Plummeting Trust
The Hill, June 29, 2018 Another ‘state of democracy’ report ignores real cause of plummeting trust by James Bovard The 937th report on the crisis of democracy in the Trump era was released Tuesday. Half of Americans polled believe that the U.S. is in “real danger of becoming a nondemocratic, authoritarian country” and two-thirds believe democracy is […]
James Comey’s Forgotten Rescue of Bush-Era Torture Regime
Mises Institute, May 1, 2018 James Comey’s Forgotten Rescue of Bush-Era Torture by James Bovard In Washington, writing emails is “close enough for government work” to convey sainthood. “Here I stand, I can do no other,” James Comey told President George W. Bush in 2004 when Bush pressured Comey – who was then Deputy Attorney […]
Torture as the Greatest Boondoggle – Mises Speech
When someone asked me to name the biggest U.S. government boondoggle I had seen, I leaped at the chance to flog torture. From my Friday presentation to the Mises Institute conference – Here’s a link to many of the articles I have written on torture since 9/11.