Tag Archives | Trump

jpb quote exploiting public fear

Trump And the Presidential Fearmongering Tradition

The media is railing about Trump for fearmongering ahead of the midterm elections.  Like this never happened before?  Like this is not the job description of modern politicians? Like Obama, George W. Bush, and Clinton did not fearmonger whenever they could profit by spooking Americans?  Trump is continuing a tradition that was firmly established by […]

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USA TODAY: Obama Fueled the Cynicism He Now Denounces

USA TODAY, September 13, 2018 Barack Obama’s return just reminds us how he fueled the distrust that led to Donald Trump by James Bovard, Opinion columnist Who cares if Obama belatedly cheers for transparency and accountability? He should admit that he made the government more dangerous at home and abroad. Former president Barack Obama is back. […]

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FFF: Trump and the Right to #Resist

Future of Freedom Foundation TRUMP AND THE RIGHT TO #RESIST by James Bovard Since Donald Trump’s election, it has become fashionable for his opponents to use a #Resist hashtag on their social media postings. Public demonstrations have become more fashionable than at any time since the Vietnam War. Federal agencies are actively working to thwart […]

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Syria: Trump as a Lynch Mob with Cruise Missiles

A few more tweets…. Careful analysis of bomb blast evidence proves Trump's missile strike on Syria was a big success https://t.co/we20mT1len — James Bovard (@JimBovard) April 15, 2018 What damned phrase of George W. Bush will @realDonaldTrump repeat next? Maybe "Bring 'em on!" uttered by GWB on 7/3/2003 – prior to Iraqi militants killing thousands […]

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The Hill: Gun Crackdowns Ignore Waco & Other ATF Atrocities

The Hill, March 7, 2018 Gun crackdowns have already led to too many federal abuses by James Bovard President Trump declared last week that the law enforcement should “take the guns first, go through due process second.” But the history of federal firearms enforcement shows that due process is often a mirage when federal bureaucrats […]

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The Hill: Hollywood hoopla ignores media’s history of servility

The Hill, March 2, 2018 Hollywood hoopla ignores media’s history of servility by James Bovard Much of the media nowadays is portraying itself as heroes of the #Resist Trump movement. To exploit that meme, Hollywood producer Steven Spielberg rushed out “The Post,” a movie depicting an epic press battle with the Nixon administration. But regardless […]

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