Tag Archives | Trump

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USA TODAY: Oreo and Trump’s Trade Policy Folly

USA TODAY, March 23, 2016 Oreo closure proof of losing Trump trade policy by James Bovard Trump’s ‘fair trade’ would deliver more ‘winners’ like sugar industry while American workers suffer. Presidential front-runner Donald Trump vows that he will “never eat another Oreo again” to protest the transfer of 600 cookie-making jobs from Chicago to Mexico. […]

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GOP Slugfest – Saudis, Cigars, Treason, & Tweets

Damned unfortunate that Fox Business News blocked Rand Paul from the debate tonight in South Carolina. Here are Twitter messages as the candidates wrangled [ok, so the photo is a few months old – Carly didn’t make it to the main stage tonight but every other photo I considered  was painfully dull]   #GOPDebate Kasich: […]

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