Tag Archives | Washington Post

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John McCain vs. Gun Owners (2001)

My 2001 article on John McCain versus Gun Owners –  from America’s 1st Freedom From America’s 1st Freedom July 2001 “WHAT’S HAPPENED TO JOHN McCAIN?” by James Bovard “YOU DIDN’T HAVE a conservative senator from the West leading the charge for gun control before now,” Michael Barnes, the head now, of Handgun Control, bragged to […]

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FFF: Pro-War Media Deserve Criticism, Not Sainthood

Future of Freedom Foundation The Pro-War Media Deserve Criticism, Not Sainthood by James Bovard June 20, 2018 The media nowadays are busy congratulating themselves for their vigorous criticism of Donald Trump. To exploit that surge of sanctimony, Hollywood producer Steven Spielberg rushed out The Post, a movie depicting an epic press battle with the Nixon […]

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The Hill: Hollywood hoopla ignores media’s history of servility

The Hill, March 2, 2018 Hollywood hoopla ignores media’s history of servility by James Bovard Much of the media nowadays is portraying itself as heroes of the #Resist Trump movement. To exploit that meme, Hollywood producer Steven Spielberg rushed out “The Post,” a movie depicting an epic press battle with the Nixon administration. But regardless […]

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Will Trump Slash Federal Spending?

 Future of Freedom Foundation Will Trump Reduce Federal Spending? by James Bovard November 21, 2017 Donald Trump’s first proposed budget took a step towards draining the swamp in Washington. His proposal was the first one since the Reagan era in which a president has sought a wholesale demolition of boondoggles. On the other hand, Trump’s […]

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FFF: How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 2

Future of Freedom Foundation How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 2 by James Bovard Last month we saw how political demagoguery helped make hunger a major issue in American politics beginning in the late 1960s. After Jimmy Carter was elected president in 1976, liberals and their media allies largely declared victory over hunger. Carter was […]

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Bummer! I Fail to Make Wash. Post’s List of Russian Agents

The Washington Post published a breathless front-page piece today alleging that Russia is behind a fake news barrage that corrupts U.S. democracy. I didn’t make the list but many places that have posted my writings did – Counterpunch, Antiwar.com, Infowars, LewRockwell, Ron Paul Institute, Daily Bell, We Are Change, etc. Happily, the Post article – […]

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FFF: My Supreme Court Fashion Reject

From the Future of Freedom Foundation – SUPREME FASHION REJECT by James Bovard “You should never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth,” the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen declared in his famous play An Enemy of the People.  Unfortunately, the justices on the Supreme Court of the United […]

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