The main lesson that Washington policymakers drew from the Waco debacle is : Truth delayed is truth defused. Scott Horton and I discussed the anniversary of the final federal assault at Waco on his talk show last Friday. Scott has done annual Waco show ever since he went on the air in 1999. Here’s a […]
Tag Archives | whitewash
FFF: Forgotten Civil War Atrocities Breed More Carnage
This is the 150th anniversary of General Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. Many commentators are touting Lee’s surrender as a triumph for freedom. While it was a great blessing that slavery ended, the Civil War set precedents for ignoring atrocities that continue to bedevil America. Here’s a piece from the January issue of The Future of […]
D.C. Template for Spinning Govt. Debacles
Anyone who has relied on the DC subway station in recent years knows that they have become notorious for fires, delays, and lies. This great cartoon from Tom Toles captures the ritual response of government agencies to their debacles – spending more money on public relations campaigns. Local governments may have totally failed to provide […]

MP3 of Ernie Hancock Rowdy Interview Today
FreedomsPhoenix hellraiser-in-chief Ernie Hancock, the next mayor of Phoenix, had me on his radio show today. I always like to be on Ernie’s show because that’s the only place that people hear me and think that I am mellow. (Ernie’s show is also broadcast on the Liberty Radio network.) Ernie’s expectation of a mushroom cloud […]
Mike McNulty, Waco Hero, R.I.P.
One of the heroes of the Waco fights of the 1990s has passed away. Mike McNulty did more than any other single person to doggedly pursue the truth about Waco. And he produced or co-produced a number of superb films that vividly and compelling explained why the feds were lying about the carnage they unleashed […]

Counterpunch: Eric Holder, Patron Saint of Killer Cops
COUNTERPUNCH, February 23, 2015 Eric Holder, Patron Saint of Killer Cops by JAMES BOVARD Attorney General Eric Holder is collecting buckets of accolades in his final weeks in office. Newspapers are especially praising Holder’s suggestion that the feds begin keeping tabs on shootings by police across the nation. But Holder’s own career shows his devotion […]
Forgotten Atrocities, Vietnam Edition
Some folks responded to my recent article on Sheridan’s 1864 atrocities in the Shenandoah Valley by denying that there was any systemic effort to downplay or bury U.S. military atrocities. The New York Times reports today that the Pentagon’s effort to whitewash the Vietnam War’s 50th anniversary events are sparking controversy: The website’s “interactive timeline” […]