Washington Times, December 10, 2015 Talking freedom but practicing fear by James Bovard The president employs scare tactics to diminish liberties The most memorable line in President Obama’s Oval Office Sunday speech was his declaration that “freedom is more powerful than fear.” That epigram might have made John F. Kennedy’s speechwriters beam. But it is […]
Tag Archives | whitewash
USA TODAY: Trump Card for Another Census Roundup
USA TODAY, November 24, 2015 The Trump card for another Census roundup by James Bovard The Census Bureau is sending its hefty American Community Survey to more than 3 million households a year. That’s good news for a would-be president Donald Trump, who will find just the information he needs for some of his kookier ideas. I […]

My Playboy Greatest Hits
So Playboy is becoming proudly birthday-suit free. Lots of jokes this week about how guys will now be able to honestly say “I only read it for the articles.” From 1994 through 2002, I wrote a bunch of pieces for Playboy on No-Knock Raids, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Janet Reno, IRS, Surveillance, Pork Barrel Prisons, the […]

MP3 – Govt. Lies, Wars, & 9/11 with Denver’s Peter Boyles
Denver KNUS host Peter Boyles and I had another rattlin’ good chat today about the continuing cover-up of 9/11. (The interview was spurred by this piece I wrote for USA Today on the continuing coverup of a 2002 congressional report.) Boyles has made himself an expert on the details of the Saudi involvement and is doing a […]

FFF: Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the following article from the June issue of the Future of Freedom – The Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights by James Bovard The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the legality of the Affordable Care Act this past March. Several justices questioned whether a ruling […]

FFF: Eric Holder’s Leviathan-Loving Legacy
from the Future of Freedom Foundation – Eric Holder’s Leviathan-Loving Legacy by James Bovard Last summer, Attorney General Eric Holder solemnly declared, “The name ought to be changed. It’s an offensive name.” Holder observed that despite the organization’s “storied history,” it could “increase their fan base” by changing their name — “if they did something […]

MP3 of my NPR Debate on Federal Job Training
Marty Nemko had me on his NPR-San Francisco KALW program today to debate federal job training reform with Stephen Baiter, the executive directory of the Workforce Development Board of Contra Costa County, California. Marty wanted a civil debate, so we didn’t bust any chairs over each other’s heads. I have been writing […]