3 Responses to My CPAC Interview with Bill Jasper, Liberty News Network

  1. Tom Blanton April 4, 2010 at 9:30 am #

    How did this manage to get a G rating when you clearly dropped the “H” bomb in the context of raising it? This should have resulted in a GP-13 rating as nobody wants kids to have any knowledge of h–l raising.

    You also mentioned torture in a negative light. You could be construed to be a dangerous civil libertarian extremist with this kind of talk. In addition, you risk alienating people like Liz Cheney who don’t want their kids to think torture is a bad thing.

    In fact, I was just reading about how torture is all the rage in NYC:


  2. Jim April 4, 2010 at 7:23 pm #

    I guess any hope I had that Liz Cheney might give me a good blurb for a future book is gone.

    That link to the torture piece is a kicker – amazing to see how this country has changed in less than a decade….


  1. Lady Gaga Interview on The Ellen degeneres Show | LADY GAGA YOUTUBE - April 3, 2010

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