The National Endowment for Democracy’s Kyrgyzstan Legacy


This is a photo of an undercover policeman kicking the head of a Kyrgyz demonstrator this week.

The National Endowment for Democracy and the Bush adminsitration were proud of their role in the uprising that led to the current government taking power in Kyrgyzstan.

Maybe the Endowment’s apologists will claim that the demonstrator is getting a pro-democracy kick in the head.

Kudos to Vladimir Pirogov, the brave Reuters photographer who got this shot. And triple kudos to the Kyrgyz people for stalwartly fighting an oppressive government.


2 Responses to The National Endowment for Democracy’s Kyrgyzstan Legacy

  1. Tom Blanton April 9, 2010 at 1:37 am #

    The leader of the main opposition party called on every Kyrgyz family to adopt the philosophy “freedom or death”.

    I see where the Kyrgyz government has granted 17 people their “freedom or death” wish. For reasons that would likely take years on a shrink’s couch to explain, the Tiny Tim song “Tiptoe Through The Tulips” came to mind when I saw the picture above.

  2. Jim April 12, 2010 at 1:19 pm #

    Tom – thanks for the link.

    I will be curious to see how the mainstream US media spins this US success story…