Archive | June, 2012

Seizure Fever: The War on Property Rights

The Foundation for Economic Education cited a 1996 piece I did for the Freeman as today’s “timely classic.” So… once more around the track – The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty Seizure Fever: The War on Property Rights by James Bovard • January 1996 • Vol. 46/Issue 1 Mass confiscation has become politically fashionable. Politicians […]

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Abolish the Postal Monopoly

from the March issue of the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Daily… ABOLISH THE POSTAL MONOPOLY by James Bovard Since the 1840s, it has been a federal crime to provide better mail service than Uncle Sam chooses to provide. The Postal Service has a monopoly on first-class mail delivery (with a limited exemption for urgent, […]

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Obama’s Devastating Disability Hiring Quota

from today’s Washington Times…. Obama’s devastating disability-hiring quota Federal favor for unqualified workers is another blow to struggling business by James Bovard The Washington Times Wednesday, June 6, 2012 [Illustration by Alexander Hunter for The Washington Times] Political appointees at President Obama’s Labor Department are getting ready to issue an edict compelling government contractors to […]

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TSA’s Sordid Record in a Zippety Chart

This chart nicely illustrates some of the costs of the TSA. I suppose a chart that showed TSA’s full costs would be fairly obscene. But if you have seen such a chart – shoot me a line or post a comment here. This chart was posted at I assume they produced the chart – […]

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Wash. Post Excited by New DC Think Tank Leaders

The Washington Post has a long piece today gushing over the “new generation of think tank leaders.” DC think tanks have been wildly overrated – at least as far as their intellectual impact – for at least 15 years. Here’s a piece I wrote in 2006 for the Globalist on the failure of DC think […]

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