Many libertarians are justifiably exasperated by Sen. Rand Paul joining the saber-rattling against Iran. But his foreign policy positions have been shaky for a long time. Here’s a review of his 2012 book, Government Bullies, from the American Conservative magazine (perhaps Rand’s biggest supporters in the Washington media). Rand has been getting dreadful foreign policy advise […]
Archive | March, 2015
D.C. Template for Spinning Govt. Debacles
Anyone who has relied on the DC subway station in recent years knows that they have become notorious for fires, delays, and lies. This great cartoon from Tom Toles captures the ritual response of government agencies to their debacles – spending more money on public relations campaigns. Local governments may have totally failed to provide […]
TSA – My Terrorist Tendencies Confirmed
The Intercept has a great story this morning with confidential documents revealing the official TSA warning signs. My favorite terrorist giveaway is “excessive complaints about the screening process.” Ya, that was the first trick my Al Qaeda buddies told me about how to finesse airport security prior to wreaking havoc aboard a flight. I […]

My 1994 Gun Rights Speech at Lincoln Memorial
On August 14, 1994, President Bill Clinton told a Washington church audience that it was “the will of God” that Congress approve his anti-gun crime bill. The same day, thousands of angry gun owners converged on the National Mall for a rally in favor of the Second Amendment. The crowd stretched far along both sides […]

Bush Betrayal Epigrams JPEG
Here’s a first take on a JPEG quote page for Bush Betrayal. This is a work-in-progress, so I welcome suggestions. Other epigrams from that 2004 book are listed below the photo. Not sure which lines are best to highlight… **UPDATE: I added just below another version of the same quotes – this one kindly crafted […]

My Cigar on Libertarian Angle Podcast
The Future of Freedom Foundation’s Jacob Hornberger and I had a rowdy discussion today on torture, nitwit warring, illicit drugs, thieving cops, my tawdry dropout record and early journalistic forays, and Waco. Before the show, Jacob told me that this is “family-safe entertainment” – so I did not tell any of the zesty hitchhiking stories […]

Lost Rights Epigrams JPEG
I am still experimenting with layouts for quotes – I welcome any suggestions. The Founding Fathers looked at the liberties they were losing, while modern Americans focus myopically on the freedoms they still retain. Is the fiction of majority rule more valuable than the reality of individual choice? The criminal justice system is increasingly like a socialist […]