From the December 2014 issue of Future of Freedom, from the Future of Freedom Foundation – The Food-Security Charade by James Bovard Federal spending on food aid has skyrocketed in recent decades, and the feds are now feeding more than 100 million Americans. Yet, according to the Agriculture Department (USDA), far more Americans are […]
Archive | March, 2015

Good Citizens Creed from Attention Deficit Democracy
As mentioned in the prior post, I am experimenting on laying out old quotes with fresh designs. I welcome any suggestions – heck, I even welcome carping.

Hooligan Demolishing City Hall
Well, at least in theory. The picture to the left is an experiment – I’m playing around to see what I can do with some of my old quotes. I welcome any suggestions – I’m a novice at this type of finagling.
Secret Service Agents Still Sacrosanct Unless Falling Down Drunk
I don’t want to sound like a teetotaler – or, worse, a prohibitionist – but I think we can agree that if you are so drunk that you crash a government car into a security barrier next to the White house, you probably over-imbibed. After the latest debacle, the Secret Service is going to […]

Wash. Times: Saving ObamaCare with Supreme Hypocrisy?
Washington Times, March 12, 2015 Saving Obamacare with supreme hypocrisy By James Bovard – March 12, 2015 Justices fret over coercing states while endlessly menacing individuals At last week’s Supreme Court oral arguments on the Affordable Care Act, several justices questioned whether a verdict against Obamacare would be “unconstitutionally coercive” to state governments that did […]
MP3 of Elective Dictatorship Interview on Al Korelin Show
I had a jovial chat with Al Korelin, the host of the hardline Korelin Economic Report, in his weekend report on the debility of contemporary democracy. Here are a few of my comments: *”The system that we now have is an elective dictatorship in which the president can dictate almost as much as he pleases and […]

MP3 of Ernie Hancock Rowdy Interview Today
FreedomsPhoenix hellraiser-in-chief Ernie Hancock, the next mayor of Phoenix, had me on his radio show today. I always like to be on Ernie’s show because that’s the only place that people hear me and think that I am mellow. (Ernie’s show is also broadcast on the Liberty Radio network.) Ernie’s expectation of a mushroom cloud […]