Archive | December, 2016


Wall Street Journal Publishes Retorts to My USDA Subsidy Bash

The Wall Street Journal today published several testy letters responding to my December 11 article, “Living Off the Fat of Washington.”  Here they are: Land-Rich Farmers Still Struggle to Survive Dec. 21, 2016 4:40 p.m. ET James Bovard is correct in several of his observations relating to the Agricultural Department’s outdated farm-subsidy programs, but off the […]

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denver ross kaminsky

Thumping Boondoggles on Denver Radio with Ross Kaminsky

Ross Kaminsky, morning host on Denver’s 630 AM KHOW,  had me on his show this morning to pay disrespect to farm subsidies (spurred by Monday’s Wall Street Journal article).   We had fun talking about the cotton program payoff to Brazilian farmers, how the sugar program destroys jobs, and why politicians sabotage the public interest. Ross is […]

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FFF: Obama’s Fraudulent War on Corruption

Future of Freedom Foundation The Fraudulent Obama War on Corruption by James Bovard December 15, 2016 The Obama administration wants Americans to believe that it is fiercely anti-corruption. “I have been shocked by the degree to which I find corruption pandemic in the world today,” declared Secretary of State John Kerry at an Anti-Corruption Summit […]

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Ralph Raico, R.I.P. – Scholar & Champion of Freedom

Ralph Raico, the great libertarian scholar, passed away recently at the age of 80. Thanks to the Foundation for Economic Education, he met the legendary Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises while he was still in high school in New York. He attended Mises’ seminars and later studied under Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek at the University of […]

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Wall St. Journal: Living Off the Fat of Washington

Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2016 Living Off the Fat of Washington If Trump is going to ‘drain the swamp,’ he might start with wasteful ag subsidies. By James Bovard President-elect Donald Trump’s vow to “drain the swamp” in Washington could begin with the Agriculture Department. Federal aid to farmers is forecast by the Congressional […]

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My FFF Video on Asset Forfeiture & the War on Drugs

Since I posted on whiskey yesterday, equal time obliges me to post on marijuana today. The Future of Freedom Foundation is making a series of videos on the follies of the drug war. Jacob Hornberger interviewed me a few weeks ago and we had a good time swatting the feds. Here’s a direct link to […]

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Congrats to C.E.I. on Award-Winning Whiskey Video

Congratulations to the Competitive Enterprise Institute on their latest uplifting video, I, Whiskey: The Human Spirit. I saw the 8-minute film at a CEI event pegged to the 83rd anniversary of the end of Prohibition. I was not aware that my alma mater, Virginia Tech, played a role in the whiskey revolution of the past […]

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