Here are other photos I took at Saturday’s Juggalos/Insane Clown Posse protest in Washington, which I wrote about here for the American Conservative.
I had to work for this next photo. I told this lady that I liked her sign and asked her if I could photograph it.
“Sure,” she sez. Then she holds the sign up high – to right below her chin.
“Uh… can you hold it lower?” I said.
“OH – THAT’S WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE!” she kinda groaned. And then smiled.

Two great signs and a hopelessly bored little red-haired girl

“WTF FBI” is actually a good thumbnail summary of recent US politics

A Muskegon, Michigan protestor with a great smile

It was probably a mistake to ask this nun for a formal blessing

James, a long-time Juggalo from the Virginia suburbs

Juggalo Brain Trust? Hopefully not a future spelling teacher

Suspected gang members, according to the FBI

Antifa poseurs? Members of 45-Pound Bench Press Club?

Antifa folks bummed that they could not find any isolated Trump supporters to attack

Marching to the Washington Monument
Obviously, the Bill of Rights should be suspended until such time that the
existential threat of the Insane Clown Posse is a thing of the past.
Tom, if you’re right about the Insane Clown Posse, the good news is that most of the Bill of Rights has already been suspended.
“WTF FBI” Exactly.
And WTF NSA, WTF CIA, WTF IRS, WTF ATF, WTF DEA, WTF DNC, RNC, and on and on, it never ends…
Unfortunately, protest signs have limited space.