Whitey Bulger, the FBI’s most notorious informant, was found dead in prison today. He lived to be 89 – unlike the 20 people whose murder he was connected to. The FBI knew of his role in killings but lied in court to protect him. The FBI even helped send innocent men to prison for life […]
Archive | October, 2018
Trump And the Presidential Fearmongering Tradition
The media is railing about Trump for fearmongering ahead of the midterm elections. Like this never happened before? Like this is not the job description of modern politicians? Like Obama, George W. Bush, and Clinton did not fearmonger whenever they could profit by spooking Americans? Trump is continuing a tradition that was firmly established by […]
Radio: #MeToo, Libertarian Wranglings, Mid-Term Elections, & Political BS on the Ernie Hancock Show
My old friend Ernie Hancock and I had fun this morning on his FreedomsPhoenix radio show wrangling over the #MeToo movement, the Kavanaugh nomination circus, the latest libertarian movement conniptions, and a heap of other topics. Happily, Ernie’s enthusiasm for the pending midterm congressional election was not contagious. You can listen or view the show […]
35th Anniversary of Biggest Pre-9/11 U.S. Antiterrorism Debacle
This week is the 35th anniversary of one of the biggest antiterrorism disasters in American history. President Reagan sent U.S. troops to Beirut in the chaotic aftermath of the 1982 Israeli invasion. 243 Marines were killed on October 23, 1983 when a lone terrorist drove a truck bomb past the poorly-guarded perimeter and detonated his […]
Podcast: My Latest Brawl with the TSA
Here’s the story of my latest security checkpoint clash with those fine public servants from the Transportation Security Administration. I filed a formal request for a video of that patdown six months ago. But TSA treats the Freedom of Information Act like the F**k Off Information Act and they are ignoring their legal duty to […]
Endless U.S. Government Lies on the Afghanistan War
The U.S. military tried to cover up the Taliban’s shooting of a U.S. general on Thursday in Kandahar. What other Afghan debacles is the Pentagon hiding? Here’s a 2009 piece I did for Counterpunch and the Future of Freedom Foundation on the lies that permeated the first 8 years of the Afghan war. The New […]
USA TODAY: TSA Must End Sexual Abuse of Female Travelers
USA TODAY, October 15, 2018 Believe women: Apply Congress’ Christine Blasey Ford test to TSA’s female victims by James Bovard Do members of Congress care about any sexual assault that does not permit them to politically grandstand? Hold TSA agents responsible for assaults. In the uproar over Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee […]