USA TODAY, September 9, 2015 Washington’s latest hunger charade by James Bovard USDA plays games with definitions to create fraudulent scare. ‘Food insecure’ is the new hungry. The Agriculture Department announced this morning that 48 million Americans lived in “food insecure” households in 2014.” Soon you’ll hear we’re suffering an epidemic of hunger. While the federal government […]
Tag Archives | Agriculture
USA TODAY: Abolish the Sugar Program
USA TODAY, August 12, 2015 Rubio’s sweet but wasted bravery by James Bovard Fighting to kill jobs won’t win election America would be more prosperous if not a single sugar beet or sugar cane were grown anywhere in the United States because bankrolling sugar production in Florida makes as little sense as growing bananas in […]
FFF: The Food Security Charade
From the December 2014 issue of Future of Freedom, from the Future of Freedom Foundation – The Food-Security Charade by James Bovard Federal spending on food aid has skyrocketed in recent decades, and the feds are now feeding more than 100 million Americans. Yet, according to the Agriculture Department (USDA), far more Americans are […]
Mises Institute: The Illusion of Reform
Mises Institute “The Austrian” Newsletter, Issue #1, 2015 The Absurdity of “Reform” in DC by James Bovard In the 1930s, peasants who were starving because of the Soviet regime’s brutal farm collectivization policy lamented, “If only Stalin knew!” Nowadays, American social scientists look at floundering federal programs and lament: “If only Congress knew!” And […]

Supreme Court Takes Raisin Robbery Property Rights Case
The Supreme Court accepted today a case in which California farmers challenge USDA’s right to confiscate their raisins. The Court’s decision is a defeat for the Justice Department, which argued that the Supremes should let stand a bizarre Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision that would have nullified a swath of the Fifth Amendment. I tub-thumped […]
Wash. Times: Obama’s Raisin Robbery
Washington Times, January 11, 2015 Obama’s raisin robbery The Supreme Court could end federal confiscation of farmers’ crops By James Bovard The Obama administration is once again championing Uncle Sam’s sacred right to seize farmers’ harvests. After being trounced on procedural grounds at the Supreme Court in 2013, the Justice Department wants the Supremes to […]
Thanksgiving & My Father’s Favorite Poem
This is the time of year when folks use sweetened condensed milk for pumpkin pie, peanut butter fudge, and many other holiday treats. Every time I see those cans advertised, I am reminded of my father’s favorite poem. My father worked on farms for most of his life, including two summers during high school on […]