The Future of Freedom Foundation placed online today my article from the August 2014 issue of the Future of Freedom – America’s Cluster Bomb Congress by James Bovard Tens of thousands of Americans have been bushwhacked by a single arcane sentence in a 673-page law Congress enacted six years ago. The IRS is seizing both […]
Tag Archives | Agriculture

My Fox Business News Interview on the Food Insecurity Charade
My interview with Fox Business News’ David Asman on USDA’s food insecurity charade. Click here to see the video at the Fox News site. Or here’s the video directly – The one certainty is that this interview spurred me to trim my beard. I still can’t understand why the makeup lady scoffed when I told her […]

Wash. Times: The “Food Insecurity” Hoax
Washington Times, September 10, 2014 The Food Security Hoax by James Bovard Promoting hunger scam is how federal bean counters keep their jobs According to the U.S. Agriculture Department, American households suffer far more “food insecurity” than do families in Angola, Mozambique and Pakistan. The USDA uses different standards to gauge domestic and foreign “food […]

FFF: FDR Farm Folly Lessons for ObamaCare
– From the Future of Freedom Foundation FDR Farm Folly Lessons for ObamaCare by James Bovard As the Obama administration wreaks further havoc on health care, many people expect the politicians to recognize their follies and relent. However, history indicates that rulers will continue seizing new power regardless of how much wreckage results. The farm […]
U.K. Ecologist: How Obama Aid Ravages Third World Farmers
Ecologist (UK), July 27, 2014 Obama food aid ravages Third World farmers by James Bovard The US taxpayers who finance foreign food aid surely believe they are feeding starving people, writes James Bovard. But the truth is the reverse – it is undermining indigenous agriculture in recipient countries – creating famine and chronic malnutrition, while […]

Foreign Aid Clobbers the Third World
From the FFF‘s April 2014 issue of the Future of Freedom – Foreign Aid Clobbers the Third World by James Bovard The U.S. government loves to preen about its generosity to the world’s downtrodden. However, a long series of presidents and their tools have scorned the evidence that their aid programs perennially clobber recipients. Nowhere is this […]

My Rollicking Interview with Mises Institute President Jeff Deist
I had a lively chat yesterday with Mises Institute President Jeff Deist regarding Hayek, Mencken, Washington venality, the Great Books, that bastard Nixon, and some of my muckraking over the past decades. I was not aware that folks had considered me a unicorn – I’m more accustomed to being compared to weasels or guttersnipes. Their interview description refers […]