Washington Times, October 27, 2016 Hillary’s Anti-Transparency Bargain by James Bovard President Obama recently condemned the Republican Party, claiming that its “central principle” is to suppress voting. But, while his administration piously pledges to protect voting rights, it has almost guaranteed that Americans will be blindfolded on Election Day. While the Justice Department will deploy […]
Tag Archives | fraud
Wash. Times: Clinton’s Forgotten Foreign Aid Fiascos
washingtontimes.com Hillary Clinton’s forgotten foreign aid fiascos by James Bovard Hillary Clinton is the most qualified presidential candidate in history, according to President Obama. Much of her managerial experience stems from her four years as secretary of State. The biggest program she oversaw there was foreign aid, which spent roughly $50 billion a year between […]

Mises: The Great Democracy Scam of 2016
Mises Institute The Austrian Newsletter The Great Democracy Scam of 2016 by James Bovard No matter who wins the presidential election next month, the media and the political class will whoop up the result as another triumph of American democracy. Regardless that the winning candidate’s path to power was paved with lies and shenanigans, we […]

My CSPAN Washington Journal Interview on the War on Terror
Here’s the link for the video of today’s CSPAN Washington Journal interview on our farcical War on Terror. Host Greta Brawner was great & the callers added spice. I appreciated the chance to talk about how the War on Terror illustrates Attention Deficit Democracy – our government run amok & trampling rights & liberties & the […]

On CSPAN Washington Journal Wednesday 9:15 AM – Call Ins Welcome
I’m scheduled to be on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal on Wednesday, May 25, starting around 9:15 a.m. to roughly 10 a.m. (EDT). I will be discussing the Reason article on our farcical $4 trillion War on Terror. The callers drive this program. In the past, C-SPAN has sometimes offered different phone numbers for Republicans and Democrats to […]

MP3 Thumping Obama’s Corruption Charade with Scott Horton
Talk show firebrand Scott Horton and I had a rowdy time thumping the hypocritical Obama-Kerry Charade against corruption – but only in foreign countries. This podcast picks up where my USA Today oped left off. . While Secretary of State John Kerry whoops up the U.S. government devotion to anti-corruption, U.S. foreign aid continues bankrolling some of […]

Reason: Our $4 Trillion Security Theater Farce
from the June issue of Reason magazine – The High Price of Security Theater The $4 trillion war on terror: Where did the money go? James Bovard Since 2001, the U.S. government has spent mind-boggling sums to purportedly keep the homeland safe. There was the $30 billion raise for the FBI that didn’t see 9/11 […]