The fine folks at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum are placing online videos of the speeches at last week’s conference. Here’s the first talk I gave (the “Libertarian Hooligan” speech should be online later). As I was going through the TSA checkpoint last Sunday at the Manchester, NH airport, I was cross-examined by a TSA […]
Tag Archives | Lying
How Many Howlers Will Obama Tell In State Of Union Speech Tonight?
Is anyone else having trouble distinguishing today’s two most popular acronyms – SOTU & STFU? When people ask why I watch Obama speeches, I shrug and admit that that is part of the terms of my parole. What will Obama’s biggest howlers be tonight? I am expecting a burst of candor as much as I […]
Holder and NSA Must Confess Guilt Before Clemency Talks
Attorney General Eric Holder & NSA poohbahs should be required to plead guilty before starting any clemency talks with Snowden. Otherwise, how can Snowden know that the Obama administration is negotiating in good faith? How many violations of federal law has the NSA committed since January 20, 2009? How many NSA crimes has Eric Holder […]
Obama’s NSA Reform Malarkey Nailed by Ted Rall
s “From this room to that room” is about the kindest thing that can be said about Obama’s proposed spying safeguards. The “Department of Public Trust” was a nice touch by Ted Rall. Lots of excellent articles around the Internet debunking Obama’s Friday speech on NSA reform – almost too many to count, actually. I […]
How Many NSA Lies Will Be Necessary to Restore Trust in Govt.?
How many more lies about surveillance will Obama need to tell to restore trust in government? I was disappointed in Obama’s speech because I thought he might waive sovereign immunity & let Americans sue the government for NSA crimes. On the bright side, I don’t need to spend the afternoon looking for a lawyer […]
Sordid History of IRS Political Abuse
From the August 2013 issue of The Future of Freedom – The Sordid History of IRS Political Abuse by James Bovard The power to tax has long conferred the power to destroy one’s political opponents. When the latest IRS politicization scandal erupted in May, many commentators talked as if the abuses were a novelty in […]
The Continuing Coverup of Police Killings Nationwide
Counterpunch, December 12, 2013 Protecting Killer Cops Where’s the Body Count from Shootings by the Police? by JAMES BOVARD President Barack Obama, calling for new gun control legislation earlier this year, appealed to “all the Americans who are counting on us to keep them safe from harm.” He also declared, “If there is even one […]