Tag Archives | Lying


Nashville Tennessean Denounces My Cynicism

An editorial headlined, “Your Time is Coming – Make it Count”  in Sunday’s Nashville Tennessean denounced my bad attitude: Staunch libertarian James Bovard cynically decries efforts to promote participation in elections, saying, “Trumpeting the importance of voting deludes people into thinking that they have a leash on the government.” We could not more vehemently disagree. […]

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FBI Exonerates Agent who Killed Unarmed Chechen During Interrogation

My faith in American justice has been restored. An FBI review found that the FBI agent who killed a Chechen in Florida last year followed all the bureau’s protocols for shooting an unarmed suspect during an interrogation. “Nothing to see here, folks – move along.” My liberal friends told me that the feds would behave better […]

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JPB speech NH snip for Blog

Video – My Speech on “Obama’s Reign Of Constitutional Terror”

The fine folks at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum are placing online videos of the speeches at last week’s conference.  Here’s the first talk I gave (the “Libertarian Hooligan” speech should be online later). As I was going through the TSA checkpoint last Sunday at the Manchester, NH airport, I was cross-examined by a TSA […]

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Holder and NSA Must Confess Guilt Before Clemency Talks

Attorney General Eric Holder & NSA poohbahs should be required to plead guilty before starting any clemency talks with Snowden.  Otherwise, how can Snowden know that the Obama administration is negotiating in good faith? How many violations of federal law has the NSA committed since January 20, 2009?  How many NSA crimes has Eric Holder […]

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Obama’s NSA Reform Malarkey Nailed by Ted Rall

s “From this room to that room” is about the kindest thing that can be said about Obama’s proposed spying safeguards. The “Department of Public Trust” was a nice touch by Ted Rall. Lots of excellent articles around the Internet debunking Obama’s Friday speech on NSA reform – almost too many to count, actually. I […]

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