from the July 2015 issue of The Future of Freedom The Mandatory Voting Panacea by James Bovard Barack Obama suggested on March 18, 2015, that mandatory voting could cure some of the ills of American democracy. He said that compelling everyone to vote would “encourage more participation” — perhaps the same way that the specter […]
Tag Archives | Obama
The Ravages of Bad Federal Dietary Advice
Horrendously-misguided federal dietary advice may have played a key role in one of the biggest public health disasters in recent American history. The federal government is in the process of revising in its dietary guidelines. The Washington Post recently had a long piece on how the anti-whole milk bias in prior federal guidelines helped spur an […]
MP3 – Govt. Lies, Wars, & 9/11 with Denver’s Peter Boyles
Denver KNUS host Peter Boyles and I had another rattlin’ good chat today about the continuing cover-up of 9/11. (The interview was spurred by this piece I wrote for USA Today on the continuing coverup of a 2002 congressional report.) Boyles has made himself an expert on the details of the Saudi involvement and is doing a […]
MP3 – Talking Saudis & 9/11 Coverup with Denver’s Peter Boyles
Peter Boyles and I had a great chat on the cover-up of the potential Saudi role in the 9/11 attacks on KNUS radio in Denver this morning (spurred by my USA Today oped on that topic). Peter is one of the best informed talk show hosts I have spoken with in a long time. He […]
FFF: Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the following article from the June issue of the Future of Freedom – The Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights by James Bovard The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the legality of the Affordable Care Act this past March. Several justices questioned whether a ruling […]
Radio – Talking Saudis & 9/11 on KNUS Denver 9 A.M. Thursday
I will be on the Peter Boyles show on KNUS AM Radio in Denver on Thursday, October 1, at 9 a.m. EASTERN. We will be discussing the Saudis and the 9/11 attacks and the continuing coverup of the congressional report on 9/11 (which I discussed in this USA Today op-ed, “We need to know: Did […]
MP3 – Talking Govt. Waste on Penn. Radio
I want to thank host Doug Herendeen of WRTA News Talk 1240 radio in Altoona, PA for having me on his show to pay our respects to government waste. We had fun talking about my recent U.S. News article on the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation and why it is so difficult to end wasteful government spending. […]