Tag Archives | Russia


Communist Burlesque: The Comecon Trade Trainwreck

Mises Institute, November 6, 2017 International Trade Under the Soviets: A Comedy of Errors by James Bovard One of Ludwig von Mises’ great contributions to modern thought was his proof of the inability of economic calculation under socialism. This core truth should be recalled as many leftists seek to restore communism’s cachet. Perhaps nothing more […]

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The Hill: Facebook Farce Shows Congressional Deviousness & Demagoguery

The Hill, November 4, 2017   Facebook farce shows lawmaker deviousness, demagoguery by James Bovard  The 2016 election was the first time in history that goofy advertisements were considered an act of war. The frenzy on Capitol Hill over a smattering of Russian advertisements would be comical except that most of the American media has […]

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usa today facebook image

USA TODAY: Facebook’s Vast Censorship Regimes

USA TODAY, October 27, 2017 Facebook censored me. Cross your country’s government and it might censor you too. by James Bovard Facebook said my post’s image of a violent FBI raid ‘incorrectly triggered our automation tools.’ But it wasn’t the first time an iconic image vanished. Responding to Russian-funded political advertisements, Facebook chairman Mark Zuckerberg declared last month that […]

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USA Today: Syria is Trump’s Biggest Foreign Folly

USA Today, June 26, 2017 Donald Trump is reckless on Syria. It’s his most dangerous foreign policy folly. by James Bovard, Opinion columnist  Trump said Obama’s ‘horrendous leadership’ on Syria could start World War III. He’s made things even worse. Last year on the campaign trail, crowds roared when Donald Trump denounced his opponent as […]

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Raising Hell with Ernie Hancock on Liberty Radio Network

FreedomsPhoenix mastermind Ernie Hancock and I had a rollicking time reviewing Trump’s record this morn.  It is always fun to go on Ernie’s show on Liberty Radio Network – especially when my moderate tendencies need scourging.  Ernie and I agreed on the outrageous missile strike on Syria (I said the U.S. government was acting like […]

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Syrians Liked Trump Because He Won’t Bomb Them

There will be plenty of downsides to a Trump presidency. But this tweet last night from independent journalist Rania Khalek (who has harshly criticized Trump) snapped my head back: “I’ve been asking Syrians who they want to win for president. The vast majority say Trump because they feel he’s less likely to bomb them.” Many […]

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