Tag Archives | Waste

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Foreign Aid Clobbers the Third World

From the FFF‘s April 2014 issue of the Future of Freedom – Foreign Aid Clobbers the Third World by James Bovard The U.S. government loves to preen about its generosity to the world’s downtrodden. However, a long series of presidents and their tools have scorned the evidence that their aid programs perennially clobber recipients. Nowhere is this […]

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“Debts Make Free Men Slaves” – My Two Cents on National Debt

I was interviewed yesterday by Press TV on the record setting national debt.   The old Roman saying in the headline for this blog occurred me to after the interview finished but oh bother.   You can hear the early morning monologue by clicking here. And here are some outtakes from the interview: “The debt load is far […]

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My 2000 Playboy Article on Militarizing SWAT Teams

The New York Times has a good story today headlined, “War Gear Flows to Police Departments.”  Unfortunately, this nonsense has been going on for decades.  Playboy published a piece I wrote in 2000 on the militarization of SWAT teams.  The article includes a discussion of Waco and the 1999 high school shootings in Littleton, Colorado. […]

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My Wall St. Journal op-ed on The Great Raisin Robbery

Why the California Raisins Have Stopped Singing Using 1930s-era regulations, the USDA can commandeer up to half a farmer’s harvest. by James Bovard     Wall Street Journal   May 27, 2014 Earlier this month the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the U.S. Department of Agriculture taking 47% of a farmer’s harvest does not […]

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FFF: How I Learned Not to Shovel

From the February 2014 issue of FFF’s Future of Freedom – HOW I LEARNED NOT TO SHOVEL by James Bovard The Obama administration has touted government jobs and training programs as one of the solutions to America’s high unemployment rate. Such programs can teach young people invaluable lessons — especially about the unreliability of political […]

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My 2 Cents on Obama Administration Destroying Jobs

  As I was getting ready to race out the door for a tromp yesterday morning, I got a call from Press TV.  Would I comment on the latest jobs report?  What the heck – it was almost 9 a.m., and I had not yet vented that day.  (I wonder if there could be any misunderstandings […]

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My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s War on Watchdogs

Washington Times, May 2, 2014 Obama’s War on Watchdogs by James Bovard A Senate report last week revealed that the Obama administration utterly debilitated the inspector general for the Homeland Security Department. Charles Edwards, the acting IG from early 2011 till last December, toadied to Obama appointees at every opportunity — stifling reports, deleting damning […]

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