Tag Archives | WikiLeaks


90 Seconds of 2018 Quotes

Here’s a 90 second video of punchy (?) lines from my recent articles, including whacks against lying politicians, insane wars, loopy protestors, democracy debacles, Obama, John McCain, GWHW Bush. Background fiddle music is from 1920s. Experimenting here…

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Podcast: The “Truth Will Out” Political Fairy Tale

“Truth will out” is the biggest political fairy tale. As an investigative journalist, I have fought federal agencies for decades to squeeze out the details of boondoggles and atrocities. Unfortunately, most government coverups succeed. But there is no such thing as retroactive self-government. As Attorney General Ramsey Clark declared in 1967, “Nothing so diminishes democracy […]

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Wikileaks’ Julian Assange Deserves Medal of Freedom, Not Indictment

Journalist Martin Sieff asked my two cents on reports that the Trump administration may indict Julian Assange. Here’s my thoughts from his article this morning: Libertarian author and historian James Bovard told Sputnik that Assange should be praised, not prosecuted, for the services WikiLeaks has provided. “Instead of a criminal indictment, Assange deserves a Presidential Medal of Freedom,” […]

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Carping on the Presidential Campaign

Any politician who championed NSA spying on Americans should be forever prohibited from invoking 4th Amendment in defense @HillaryClinton — James Bovard (@JimBovard) October 30, 2016 Obama claims that he's avoided "meddling" in FBI & @HillaryClinton but he twice proclaimed her innocent before FBI investigation finished — James Bovard (@JimBovard) November 2, 2016 Biggest Shock […]

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My 2 Cents on Wikileaks, Clinton, & Watergate

I will be writing more about Wikileaks in the coming days and weeks.  But here are some preliminary observations from a recent Press TV monologue: The recent WikiLeaks disclosures about US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reveal the “shocking” calculations of her campaign… says an American analyst. “What WikiLeaks is providing, it’s showing to the […]

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Carping on Final Trump-Clinton Debate

Updated on Friday morn – Russian hacking or John Podesta guilty of "grandma's first day on the internet level idiocy"? #PodestaEmails14 https://t.co/RjvWrcQ1eR — James Bovard (@JimBovard) October 21, 2016 Is there anything that #Wikileaks could reveal that would finally force the media to admit the rascality of the @HillaryClinton campaign? — James Bovard (@JimBovard) October […]

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Bradley Manning Verdict & WikiLeaks Movie

Bradley Manning got nailed today by a military judge for exposing the truth. The folks who committed war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq have almost all walked scot-free. The folks who made the policies that led to the abuses have never faced federal charges. Dreamworks has a movie on Wikileaks that will be coming out […]

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