Tag Archives | WikiLeaks


Ukraine Proves Iraq War Lessons Unlearned Inside the Beltway

American Conservative, March 21, 2023 Will the Circle Be Unbroken? by James Bovard Twenty years after the Iraq invasion: The war may be over, but the War Party carries on. Last year, former President George W. Bush vehemently condemned the “decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.” Bush […]

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Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy

Mises Institute, October 7, 2022 Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy by James Bovard On Saturday, protests supporting Julian Assange will occur around the world. In London, Assange supporters will link arms around the parliament building. Protests will also occur outside the Justice Department headquarters in Washington (I’ll be one of the speakers), D.C., and […]

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Biggest Korean War Lesson: Never Trust Pentagon on Atrocities

American Conservative, June 26, 2020 The Korean War Atrocities No One Wants to Talk About For decades they covered up the U.S. massacre of civilians at No Gun Ri and elsewhere. This is why we never learn our lessons. by  Jim Bovard June 25th was the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War. […]

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Send Thanksgiving Greetings to Chelsea Manning, Heroic Whistleblower In Jail

Working with Wikileaks almost a decade ago, Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning provided some of the most damning revelations on U.S. foreign policy and military atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Trump’s Justice Department indicted Wikileaks’ mastermind Julian Assange on 17 counts of espionage.  The feds arm-twisted Manning to testify against Assange, who is apparently suffering […]

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Carping on the Mueller Report

More to follow…. When reading #MuellerReport, remember that FBI chief @Comey torpedoed an offer from Julian Assange to provide key details on the DNC emails leak https://t.co/xos4MvIAfs — James Bovard (@JimBovard) April 18, 2019 Record-setting Canonization? The 195,000-word #MuellerReport became holy writ within hours. Remember that prosecutors did not prove their case before an impartial […]

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Washington’s Biggest Fairy Tale: Truth Will Out

Washington’s Biggest Fairy Tale: “Truth Will Out” by James Bovard April 16, 2019 The arrest of Julian Assange has produced rapturous cheering from the American political elite. Hillary Clinton declared that Assange “must answer for what he has done.” Unfortunately, Assange’s arrest will do nothing to prevent the vast majority of conniving politicians and bureaucrats […]

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Assange Arrest a Deadly Threat to Free Press

I will write more on this shortly….   Unmentioned in Assange arrest coverage – the US govt. after 9/11 dropped an Iron Curtain around itself. @wikileaks exposed US govt. crimes no one else would touch. https://t.co/MMahFJqyc6 — James Bovard (@JimBovard) April 11, 2019 Julian Assange is charged with "conspiracy to commit computer intrusion." What about […]

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