Archive | April, 2013

On Scott Horton Radio Show at 1 PM on WSJ Food Aid

I’ll be on the Scott Horton radio show at 1 pm Eastern to discuss today’s Wall Street Journal piece on the failure of food aid. You can listen live at  Scott usually gets the MP3 of interviews up within a day or so; I will post a link when that becomes available.

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My WSJ piece: “Food for Peace” Hurts Foreign Farmers

Wall Street Journal April 30, 2013 [alternative WSJ link – not blocked by paywall] How ‘Food for Peace’ Hurts Foreign Farmers For a half-century the program has done more to feed special interests than help the hungry. By JAMES BOVARD The United States government is the world’s largest food donor but its aid consistently wreaks havoc abroad. […]

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Italian Freedom Champion Bruno Leoni’s Centenary

This month is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Bruno Leoni, one of the most penetrating political thinkers of the post-World War Two era.  His 1961 book, Freedom and the Law, helped me get a handle on the perils of majority rule.  (E-text versions of that book are available free from the Liberty Fund […]

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Wash. Times: Bigger Postal Frauds Than Armstrong

  from today’s Washington Times BOVARD: ‘We deliver’ NOT! Why the Post Office can’t deliver the mail by James Bovard The Justice Department on Tuesday joined a lawsuit accusing Lance Armstrong of defrauding the U.S. government. The U.S. Postal Service spent $40 million sponsoring Mr. Armstrong’s bicycling team from 1996 through 2004, including the years […]

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Indictments Handed Down on Prison Gang Crimes

MD Gov O’Malley Too Busy Banning Guns to Control Prisons

Maryland governor O’Malley was so busy laying plans to harass and disarm the state’s peaceful gun owners that he did not notice that a violent criminal gang had taken over a state prison in Baltimore. I look forward to seeing plenty of references to this when he O’Malley launches his presidential campaign.   At least […]

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NY Times Confirms my Wall St Journal hit on USDA Scam

The New York Times has a great piece today on how the Agriculture Department and Obama administration are shoveling out billions of dollars to bogus bias claim victims. The program is fraudulent from top to bottom – and top government officials knew it. When I made some of the same allegations last month in the […]

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Claire Wolfe reviews Public Policy Hooligan on Amazon

Notorious freedom writer & hell-raiser Claire Wolfe just posted a very generous review of Public Policy Hooligan on Amazon And he really is a hooligan, too. 😉 By Claire Wolfe “freedom writer” Jim Bovard has written an amazingly cheerful memoir of how he went from being a good, authority-respecting Boy Scout to being the bane […]

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