Twenty-one years ago today, the FBI assaulted and demolished the Branch Davidians’ home outside of Waco, Texas. That assault and the subsequent coverups helped redefine the relation of the federal government to the American people. Millions of citizens never looked at Washington the same afterwards. I reposted some of the articles I did in […]
Archive | April, 2014

MP3 of Scott Horton Radio Show on Cluster Bomb Congress
Libertarian hardline hell-raiser talk show host Scott Horton and I had a rattlin’ good chat yesterday on his radio show about the Cluster Bomb Congress article, asset forfeiture, police brutality, and a couple other damn outrages. Being on Scott’s show always vaccinates me against my moderate tendencies. You can download or listen to the show by […]
Wash. Times: Our Cluster Bomb Congress Plants Legislative IEDs
BOVARD Our cluster-bomb Congress plants legislative IEDs Arcane laws lie dormant until exploding under unsuspecting Americans by James Bovard Tens of thousands of Americans have been bushwhacked by a single arcane sentence in a 673-page law Congress enacted six years ago. The Internal Revenue Service is seizing both federal and state tax refunds for individuals […]

20 Years Ago: The Growing IRS Dictatorship (Wall Street Journal)
The IRS did not start its mischief recently. Here’s a piece of mine published on April 14, 1994 – Wall Street Journal -The Growing IRS Dictatorship By James Bovard A Gallup Poll released last week found that two-thirds of Americans believe that the Internal Revenue Service abuses its power. Yet few people realize exactly how […]

Anti-Taxation Epigrams from Lost Rights
Income Tax Day spurred me to dip back into Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty (St. Martin’s, 1994) and pluck out a few lines from the “Taxing and Tyrannizing” chapter that sought to capture the essence of the IRS and contemporary taxation: *The federal tax system turns individuals into sharecroppers of their own lives. […]
MP3 – Having Fun Trashing ObamaCare as a “Pack of Lies”
I got a phone call early this morning from Press TV seeking comments on ObamaCare. OK, some people don’t consider 8 a.m. early but my IQ is 15 points higher later in the morning – sometimes breaking into triple digits. What the heck – I enjoyed the chance to start the day by thrashing Obama’s biggest fraud […]

Aspiring Zingers from the Libertarian Hooliganism Speech
Here’s a few outtakes lines from the “Libertarian Hooliganism” speech posted online earlier today – *Federal agencies in DC think I’m a redneck, but the rednecks in the North Carolina mountains thought I was an undercover fed * As she raised the knife, I remembered the old saying – “Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.” […]