Archive | July, 2015

USA TODAY: How Disabilities Law Went Nuts

USA TODAY, July 27, 2015 How disability law went nuts by James Bovard And it has actually been a disaster at helping the disabled find work. Good intentions are no excuse for perpetual legal chaos. The Americans with Disabilities Act promised a bright new era of equality and freedom. Instead, it has spawned endless lawsuits […]

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FFF: Cops and Donuts Don’t Mix

From the April 2015 The Future of Freedom Cops and Donuts Don’t Mix by James Bovard On a Sunday morning early last summer, I was driving south across the Potomac River to a hike in Fairfax County, Virginia. The previous night the hike leader posted online a map of the jaunt. It looked like a […]

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Police and their Sisyphean Struggle

I’ve seen a lot of unsympathetic comments on law enforcement on the Internet recently. But this great cartoon from the new issue of the New Yorker captures the Sisyphean struggle that haunts police nowadays. Below is a collage of photos I took at DC demonstrations between 2005 and 2007. The individual photos are reposted below. […]

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Shakespearean Fury: Twat Troll, Usurper, Unenlightened, Highbrow Scorn

I am gratified that my Wall Street Journal piece on Silent Shakespeare is spurring thoughtful commentary from D.C. cultural luminaries. Here are a few samples: * “Twat troll”  was the honorific bestowed by a team of four reporters for the Washington City Paper.  Hmmm…  could not find term in my edition of Shakespeare’s Bawdy (1947). * “Highbrow scorn” […]

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Shakespeare Backlash and Brawl

My Wall Street Journal piece on Washington’s Silent Shakespeare Oxymoron outraged Synetic Theater and its devoted fans.  Synetic posted a long response on Tumbler and hit the alarms. The Washingtonian did an informative article this evening on the controversy – “Wall Street Journal to Synetic Theater: Do Shakespeare With Words!”  Their reporter emailed me at 5:17 p.m.; at 7:17 p.m., […]

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Wall St. Journal: Washington’s Silent Shakespeare Oxymoron

Wall Street Journal, July 14, 2015 A Silenced Shakespeare in Washington Shakespeare without puns is like French cooking without butter. By James Bovard    Washington In Act 5 of “Love’s Labor Lost,” one character scoffs at pedants: “They have been at a great feast of languages, and stolen the scraps.” The latest Shakespeare fashion, at least […]

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USA TODAY: Congress Must End Coverup on 9/11 Attack

USA TODAY, July 6, 2015 We need to know: Did Saudis help fund 9/11 attacks? by James Bovard Classified 28 pages of 9/11 report need to be released. Do Americans have the right to learn whether a foreign government helped finance the 9/11 attacks? A growing number of congressmen and senators are demanding that a […]

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