Archive | November, 2016

Bummer! I Fail to Make Wash. Post’s List of Russian Agents

The Washington Post published a breathless front-page piece today alleging that Russia is behind a fake news barrage that corrupts U.S. democracy. I didn’t make the list but many places that have posted my writings did – Counterpunch,, Infowars, LewRockwell, Ron Paul Institute, Daily Bell, We Are Change, etc. Happily, the Post article – […]

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Did Anti-Trump Protestors Ever Object to Obama’s Wars?

Bombs hurt worse than mean words.  So folks are angrily protesting about Trump’s election. Why have almost none of these folks bothered protesting Obama’s wars? The US is bombing 7 nations right now – I would love to know how many anti-Trump protestors could name even 3 nations the US is bombing.  (Here’s a great […]

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Syrians Liked Trump Because He Won’t Bomb Them

There will be plenty of downsides to a Trump presidency. But this tweet last night from independent journalist Rania Khalek (who has harshly criticized Trump) snapped my head back: “I’ve been asking Syrians who they want to win for president. The vast majority say Trump because they feel he’s less likely to bomb them.” Many […]

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Wolves & Sheep Epigram at 17 St. BBQ in Murphysboro, Illinois

Thanks to barbeque mastermind Amy Mills for posting this photo on Twitter. This is from her family’s BBQ restaurant in Murphysboro, Illinois.  Amy is a University of Missouri journalism grad and the co-author (with her father) of the forthcoming Praise the Lard: Recipes and Revelations from a Legendary Life in Barbecue (Houghton Mifflin, Spring 2017). the original […]

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Wash. Times: Janet Reno’s Authoritarian Legacy

Washington Times, November 9, 2016 Janet Reno’s Authoritarian Legacy by James Bovard Former Attorney General Janet Reno passed away on Monday. While the media is awarding her sainthood as the first female attorney general, her eight years in office were a disaster for Americans’ rights and liberties. Miss Reno paved the way for many federal […]

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Janet “Rent-a-Tank” Reno Dies

Former Attorney General Janet Reno died yesterday.  The Washington press corps made her a saint after she sent in the tanks against the Branch Davidians on April 19, 1993.    Her aura of sainthood continued for the rest of her career, regardless of the brazen scandals and abuses the Justice Department and FBI committed during her […]

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