“I taught constitutional law, I know a little bit about this,” President Obama lectures us. And then he says: “We understand there are some constraints on our freedom in order to protect innocent people.” And the best way to protect innocent people is to assume that gun owners as a group are guilty. I think […]
Tag Archives | Attention Deficit Democracy

MP3 of TSA Tribute on Bob Zadek Radio Show San Francisco
Here’s the MP3 of yesterday’s radio interview with Bob Zadek on San Francisco’s AM 910. We had fun giving a vigorous patdown to the TSA (the agency was not allowed to “opt-out” from the show). Bob’s producer Charlie Deist said he especially enjoyed the riff on how reactions to TSA are an ink blot test of people’s […]
USA TODAY: Budget Bill Leaves No Boondoggle Behind
USA TODAY, December 17, 2015 BUDGET BILL LEAVES NO BOONDOGGLE BEHIND by James Bovard Republican congressional leaders are like a football coach who believes the secret to winning is to punt early and often. House Speaker Paul Ryan and others are claiming victory over the 2,000-plus page appropriations bill, but this is a “no boondoggle left […]

FFF: Obama’s Cynicism Racketeering
From the Future of Freedom Foundation – Obama’s Cynicism Racketeering by James Bovard Barack Obama captured the presidency in part because of his appeals to “hope and change.” But after more than six years in power, he is now spending far more time denouncing cynicism. As usual, the worst example of cynicism is citizens who […]
Wash. Times: Obama’s Freedom & Fear Farce
Washington Times, December 10, 2015 Talking freedom but practicing fear by James Bovard The president employs scare tactics to diminish liberties The most memorable line in President Obama’s Oval Office Sunday speech was his declaration that “freedom is more powerful than fear.” That epigram might have made John F. Kennedy’s speechwriters beam. But it is […]
USA TODAY: Trump Card for Another Census Roundup
USA TODAY, November 24, 2015 The Trump card for another Census roundup by James Bovard The Census Bureau is sending its hefty American Community Survey to more than 3 million households a year. That’s good news for a would-be president Donald Trump, who will find just the information he needs for some of his kookier ideas. I […]

Jail Guards for Jesus – NYC Veterans Day Parade
I caught the New York City Veterans Day parade yesterday. Never saw so many cops in one place – I’m glad I don’t have any outstanding warrants in New York state. There was endless adulation with no questions asked about the politicians who send American men and women to get killed and maimed for no […]