USA TODAY, August 12, 2015 Rubio’s sweet but wasted bravery by James Bovard Fighting to kill jobs won’t win election America would be more prosperous if not a single sugar beet or sugar cane were grown anywhere in the United States because bankrolling sugar production in Florida makes as little sense as growing bananas in […]
Tag Archives | Boondoggle

MP3 of Public Policy Hooligan & Tom Woods Show
Bestselling author Tom Woods invited me back on his program to discuss Public Policy Hooligan: Rollicking and Wrangling from Helltown to Washington. Here is the link to the interview on Tom’s excellent site. Tom called the book “wonderful” and kindly commented: “There are so many things in Public Policy Hooligan that you guys would love […]
MP3 of TSA Bashing Podcast with Tom Woods
Bestselling author Tom Woods and I had fun shellacking the Transportation Security Administration in a podcast he posted online today. Tom does some of the best and most thought-provoking podcasts on the Internet and I appreciated him having me on his show. The interview was spurred by a piece I did for USA Today after […]

MP3 of Ernie Hancock Interview on Rand Paul, Cigars, TSA Tyranny, and D.C. Rascals
FreedomsPhoenix Chief Hellraiser Ernie Hancock and I had a rollicking hour this morn on his Liberty Radio Network program. Plenty of federal agencies took a whupping. I alternated at times between admitting that “I don’t know shit” about some ongoing controversy & striving to “draw the Curtain of Mercy” on other topics. Ernie had excellent […]
USA TODAY: TSA has no excuse to continue the groping
USA TODAY, June 5, 2015 TSA has no excuse to continue the groping by James Bovard Thieving agents, racial profiling and excessive pat-downs haven’t made us safer. Last August, Transportation Security Administration chief John Pistole attacked an article I wrote, stating that it was “Misleading, inaccurate and unfairly disparages the dedicated (TSA) workforce. … […]

TSA: Full Employment for Nitwits?
We learned this week that undercover Inspector General testers managed to smuggle fake weapons and bombs past TSA screeners in 95% of their attempts. The worst part of this scandal is that it will make it more difficult for Obama and his Washington media lackeys to restore faith in government. The Washington Post had a […]

Wash. Times: FDA’s War on Cheap Cigars
Washington Times, May 28, 2015 FDA cigar ban proposal a government regulation too far By James Bovard The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finalizing regulations that could ban the sale of most of the cigars currently available in the United States. The FDA last year uncorked a 241-page, 70,000 word barrage of proposed restrictions […]