Tag Archives | germany

Karl Marx & the Great Socialist Revival

Karl Marx and the Great Socialist Revival by James Bovard January 9, 2019 Socialism’s popularity is reviving in America. Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez captured a seat in the new Congress and is calling for confiscatory tax rates at the same time Democratic Socialist candidates are thriving in many areas of the nation. The Washington Post reported […]

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The Great Socialism Sex Charade

Vox is whooping up the wacky notion that “sex was better under socialism.” Tell that to Romanian women forced to undergo monthly gyno exams to outlaw abortions because the government proclaimed in 1985 that “the fetus is the socialist property of the whole society… Those who refuse to have children are deserters.” Women’s reproductive lives […]

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MP3 of my Pacifica Radio interview on Facebook Conniving

Kevin Pina of Pacifica Radio Network interviewed me last Thursday on my USA Today oped on Facebook censorship policies.  Facebook has become far more aggressive recently in heaving people off its platform.  But the impact of Facebook’s banishments are dwarfed by the stampede to the exit by other Facebook users.     We had lots of fun […]

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usa today facebook image

USA TODAY: Facebook’s Vast Censorship Regimes

USA TODAY, October 27, 2017 Facebook censored me. Cross your country’s government and it might censor you too. by James Bovard Facebook said my post’s image of a violent FBI raid ‘incorrectly triggered our automation tools.’ But it wasn’t the first time an iconic image vanished. Responding to Russian-funded political advertisements, Facebook chairman Mark Zuckerberg declared last month that […]

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FFF: World War One Still Haunts America

Future of Freedom Foundation How World War One Still Haunts America by James Bovard This year is the 100th anniversary of Woodrow Wilson’s pulling America into World War I. Many people celebrate this centenary of America’s emergence as a world power. But at a time when the Trump administration is bombing or rattling sabers at […]

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World War One Quote Jpegs from USA Today article

Here’s a few quote jpegs from my USA Today oped, “Woodrow Wilson Made Democracy Unsafe for the World” – I welcome suggestions on improving this and other quote jpegs. Thanks again to Canva.com for their software for laying out the type & background.  

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USA Today: Woodrow Wilson Made Democracy Unsafe for the World

USA Today, April 4, 2017. Woodrow Wilson made democracy unsafe for the world: James Bovard by James Bovard Let’s stop kidding ourselves. The U.S. role in World War I had disastrous consequences. This week is the 100th anniversary of President Woodrow Wilson’s speech to Congress seeking a declaration of war against Germany. Many people celebrate […]

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